AR22 Ruger Receiver Stock Kit for AR15 Receiver at DPMS

St. Cloud, MNÂ – -( This 3 piece stock kit in conjunction with your Ruger 10-22 allows you to build a practice rifle that is very similiar to an AR-15.
Use your choice of butt stock, free float tube and hand grip to build the practice rifle that works for you. Works with a factory or after market barrel made for the Ruger 10/22.
It does not just look like an AR-15, it looks and feels like an AR-15. This stock is ergonomically identical to your AR-15 platform rifle. Drops in, no gunsmithing required. Available in black; green or grey available as a special order with a wait time of 1-2 months. From Nordic Components.
[amazon-product alink=”0000FF” bordercolor=”000000″ height=”240″]0873646878[/amazon-product]About:
DPMS Panther Arms, the second largest manufacturer of AR-15 rifles, specializes in producing quality, hand crafted, American made, black rifles. These renowned rifles are dependable, affordable and extremely accurate, capable of sub MOA groupings straight out of the box. DPMS manufactures rifles in a variety of calibers, including: .204 Ruger, .22LR, 5.56 NATO, .223 Remington, 6.8mm Remington SPC, 7.62x39mm, .243 Winchester, .260 Remington, .308 Winchester and .300 Remington SAUM.