DOD Demil Order on Used Brass REVERSED
Washington, DC – -( In a stunning turn around, the DOD order to have used brass cartridges Demilled has been reversed.
You can read related letters on the NRA website here and here in regards to the reversal.
One Letter from DLA is listed below:
From: Cunningham, Mark (HQ DLA)
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:51 PM
To: Brian Blalock (Tester)
Cc: Glover, Rebecca (HQ DLA)
Subject: Small Arms Cartridge Cases
We received your March 17, 2009, letter on the recent reclassification of small arms cartridges. Please advise whether the information provided below will suffice in lieu of a written response which will contain the same information.
The Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS), a field activity of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), is the Department of Defense (DOD) activity responsible for the disposition of excess and surplus DOD Property.
The primary focus of the DRMS mission is to protect national security by ensuring property is properly identified for reutilization and disposition and not released for public sale when to do so would jeopardize national security.
During the past two years, DRMS revised its processes to further ensure only appropriate items were made available for public sale. To strengthen current controls and to mitigate future security risk, the DOD issued policy that prohibits the sale of military unique items controlled by the Department of State through its Munitions List.
Small arms cartridge cases are identified as a sensitive Munitions List item and were held pending review of the policy relating to the category of items in which cartridge cases were included. Upon review, the Defense Logistics Agency has determined the cartridge cases could be appropriately placed in a category of government property allowing for their release for sale.
The DRMS sales contractor has been notified of this decision and has begun the process of reoffering the cases that have been held pending completion of the policy review. As was previously required, buyers who purchase cartridge cases from the government must be approved to do so under Trade Security Controls.
Mark Cunningham
Legislative Affairs
Defense Logistics Agency
This is a good example of Firearms owners being vigilant and taking quick action as soon as an issue or policy that effects our second amendment rights is discovered and applying or overwhelming majority pressure to cause quick effective change.
What do you folks support more? Ensuring that our soldiers have the ammo they need to protect our country or cheap ammo for your stockpiles?
ATK is still short of the 2-billion-rounds small arms ammo contract with the DOD; they need all the brass they can get. Surely you can sacrifice cheap ammo for our troops.
Does it seem strange that everyone except the liberals in the north are criminals and if you are an American citizen or Veteran you are considered a terrorist? An have you noticed the muslems are not terrorist according to the Obama group. Did you notice that most of the group that Obama and his bunch hang with all have criminal records. The criminal records consist of everything from income tax evasion, bribery, terrorist bombings, murder, selling a senate seat to falsifying birth documents. What is even more strange is neither the justice department nor any other law enforcement agency is… Read more »