WRPA/Wi-FORCE Garands Rifles for Sale

WRPA/Wi-FORCE Garand Rifles for Sale

M1 Garand Rifle
M1 Garand Rifle
Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs & Educators
Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs & Educators

Wisconsin –-(AmmoLand.com)- The FORCE’s remaining M1 Garand Rifles are being offered to Individual and Club members of WI-FORCE in good standing.

Since Service Rifle shooting has almost exclusively gone to the AR-15 type rifles, and since the AR-15 is much more “user friendly” for Junior shooters, the M1 Garands are being sold to raise funds to purchase more AR-15 rifles for the Program.

The Garands have all been maintained in very good serviceable condition over the years and would be great additions to anyone’s collection.

For full details, see the next edition of the Hunter-Marksman or contact Arny Seitz (the designated agent for this program – Thanks Arny!) at [email protected].

And, remember, this is a fundraiser for the Juniors, not just a gun purchase!

Wi-FORCE promotes and protects the shooting sports, hunting, and the lawful ownership and use of firearms in Wisconsin. We coordinate match schedules of member clubs, sanction the state championship matches, monitor and recommend legislation, and provide training and educational programs for our members, competitors and Wisconsin shooters. Wi-FORCE supports the interaction and education of all individuals and groups interested in the shooting sports and the natural right of citizens to own arms. Visit: www.wi-force.org

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robert gagnow

is this cite active

robert gagnow

I would buy one also. 920.378.3310 [email protected]

Thomas Spitz

I am in the market for an M1 Garand. Stumbled upon your website.

Am a member of the Saukville gun club and NRA member. Any available and what are your requirments. Am buliding a WW11 collection, have been shopping but the Garand, a must have, has eluded me thus far. Thank You, Thomas Spitz