Fight For Your Gun Owner Rights
By Miranda Bond, Nra-Ila Information Specialist.
Vermont – -( After the 2008 election many gun owners were left feeling uneasy about the fate of their Constitutional rights. We want you to get active and join us in our fight to protect the Second Amendment.
The NRA has been proclaimed to be the most powerful voice in Washington D.C. To us it’s not about the ranking – it’s about what this recognition means. And it means that our legislators listen to the 4 million members of the NRA and more than 80 million American gun owners.
What has set the NRA apart from other single-issue organizations is the passion of our membership. While the ILA staff works very hard to influence legislators, our success is attributed to what goes on outside the beltway. It is no secret to our representative that our members are a passionate and persistent group of people. Our members never fail to keep their representatives on their toes.
We encourage you to keep up the great work, and if you have put off getting involved now is the time! Encourage your family and friends to get involved as well.
You can find great resources on our website. We just added some new features to help you out.
Stay up to date: You can find the latest buzz on legislation here: issues/?style=D and for information on a specific bill use this link: issues/bills/
Write your representatives: We hear from our members all the time that their legislators “don’t listen”. But if they don’t hear from you, how will they ever know how you feel? Here are tips for writing and calling your representative:
Contact your local newspaper:
Mark Twain once said, “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.”
That said, many newspapers are not friends of the NRA. However, some reporters at least try to tell both sides of the story. We highly encourage you to write respectful, well-researched letters to your newspaper. You can do all of your research on our website:
Support pro-gun candidates: This link will help you find out which candidates support the Second Amendment. Electing pro-gun candidates to office ensures the future of our Second Amendment rights.
For more information or to request an NRA U at your campus e-mail [email protected] Or contact NRA-ILA Grassroots at (800) 392-VOTE(8683).
What plan does the NRA have for attending the 2nd Amendment March on DC April,19th? What role will they be playing there?