California Ammunition Registration Bill on Senate Floor For A Vote
Bill 2358 (De Leon)
Sacramento, CA –-( AB 2358 Is Now On The Senate Floor For A Vote!
CRPA needs your help to stop AB 2358! Please act immediately to email and/or call your Senator through the CRPA website at
AB 2358 will not stop crime and will impose unnecessary restrictions on law-abiding Californians.
If enacted,AB 2358 would require that ammunition vendors transmit records of sale, information on the quantity and type of ammunition purchased, and the personal information of purchasers collected at the time of sale to local law enforcement if required by city or county ordinance. AB 2358 would allow uncontrolled expansion of city and county ordinances requiring handgun ammunition vendors to transmit all information collected relating to sales of handgun ammunition and some rifle cartridges to local law enforcement agencies.
CRPA urges a NO VOTE on AB 2358 for the following reasons:
- AB 2358, the handgun ammunition registration bill has been amended to include some rifle cartridges commonly used by hunters and target shooters. AB 2358 has a negative impact on hunters and target shooters. The bill, as amended, has been expanded to require registration of rifle cartridges such as 22 rimfire, 223, and 7.62×39 commonly used by hunters and target shooters.
- Hunters would no longer be able to buy rifle cartridges directly from internet sporting goods vendors.
- AB 2358 leaves ammunition purchasers at risk for identity theft due to the lack of requirements for safe and secure storage of personal information collected and turned over to local jurisdictions.
- State law supersedes local ordinances in the regulation of firearms and ammunition. AB 2358’s requirements directly conflict with the state’s ability to regulate ammunition purchases without interference by local jurisdictions. Law enforcement already has the ability to inspect ammunition records without requiring the transmittal of records to the agency.
- AB 2358 sets up a cumbersome recordkeeping process for ammunition vendors. It creates a multitude of complicated and conflicting local ordinances and will require ammunition vendors to apply for a license to sell. If a vendor owns stores in different jurisdictions, it would be difficult to comply with regulations that lack uniformity. AB 2358 puts ammunition vendors and purchasers at the whim of city councils and county boards that would have local, discretionary authority to regulate ammunition and grant or deny licenses to sell ammunition. Vendors could be prohibited from obtaining a local permit to sell at gun shows or sporting events.
The California Rifle and Pistol Association “CRPA,” founded in 1875, is dedicated to defending the rights of law-abiding citizens to responsibly use firearms for self-defense and the defense of their loved ones, for sport, and for all other legal activities. CRPA is the official state association of the National Rifle Association. A California non-profit association, CRPA is independently directed by its own Board of Directors. CRPA’s members include law enforcement officers, prosecutors, professionals, firearm experts, the general public, and loving parents. CRPA has always worked to reduce the criminal misuse of firearms and firearms accidents, while actively promoting and organizing the competitive shooting sports and Olympic training programs in California. We are proud to say that many CRPA competitors are among the best in the world.
I agree with both statements above. Regulating ammunition will do nothing but intrude on our lives and create more bureaucracy and paper work. Crime however ..will go on unabated by such a ridiculous bill. Once again..this is the government trying to look like they are doing something…when in fact they are making things worse. They are actually hurting our country with such encroachments on our freedoms. Make all the silly laws you want. Why don't you just ban murder…and car accidents…and scraped knees. It won't stop those things from happening. How about looking at the root of the problem..and not… Read more »
If the citizens are unarmed, they depend much more viscerally on the services of government to protect them. As a supplicant, services can be provided or denied at the whim of the ruling class – witness Oakland's cut of police services. Translation: vote for me, or else I will cut your police and fire. And you have no recourse.
Liberals do have an agenda but unfortunately it has nothing too to do with the safety and security of the law abiding citizen. It is geared more toward the preservation of gangs rights and the demise of self-defense.