Ammo Giveaway Announcement on Gun Talk Radio

Ammo Giveaway Announcement on Gun Talk Radio

Gun Talk Radio
Gun Talk Radio

MANDEVILLE, LA –-( It’s an “Ammo Overload” giveaway this Sunday on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk (R) Radio, the nationally-syndicated radio talk show about guns and the shooting sports.

Tom’s on vacation this weekend, so Brian Wilson, afternoon drive host at 1370AM WSPD in Toledo, OH, is guest hosting. He’s ready to talk firearms, politics, training, giveaways, and more!

Mike McNett, owner of DoubleTap Ammunition, comes on Gun Talk to announce the next giveaway – The Grand Prize will help one lucky winner stock their ammo closet…

Mike Vanderboegh, author of the blog Sipsey Street Irregulars, visits Gun Talk to discuss the latest ATF scandal, nicknamed “Project Gunwalker”. Along with David Codrea, Vanderboegh broke this major story, and has stayed with it since December 2010, in constant contact with the ATF whistleblowers, and Senator Grassley and Representative Issa’s offices.

Howard Nemerov, author of Four Hundred Years of Gun Control: Why Isn’t it Working?, and blogger for Pajamas Media, stops by with info on the UN Small Arms Treaty and more. Nemerov, a former civilian disarmament proponent, delved into investigating gun control policies and the effect they had on the safety and welfare of the average citizen in the U.S. – that investigation led to the writing of his book, and a total change in his opinion on gun control.

Sig Sauer Academy offers dozens of different training classes in five different states. The main campus, in Epping, New Hampshire, is where you’ll find George Harris, Director and one of the founders of the academy. This Sunday, Harris is on Gun Talk to discuss the academy, the classes offered, the importance of training, etc.

Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio is in its 16th year of national syndication, Gun Talk Radio airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on 101 stations, plus SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio. All Gun Talk shows can be downloaded as podcasts through Apple iTunes, the Gun Talk iPhone App, the Blackberry Podcast App, or at More information is available at