Texas College Republicans Stunned By Blocking Of Campus Safety Bill by Senator Ogden

AUSTIN, Texas –-(Ammoland.com)- Texas College Republicans (TCR) call for Senator Steve Ogden (R- Bryan) to vote for SB 354 to be heard on the Senate floor, reversing his current position.
TCR has been closely following this campus safety bill, which allows concealed carry on campus, and have declared it their top legislative priority for this session.
The Texas Senate requires a two-thirds majority, or 21 votes, before a bill can be heard on the Senate Floor. Currently, 18 Republicans and two Democrats have promised to vote to hear the bill—one more vote is needed. Ogden is the only Republican Senator who continues to withhold his support. As a long time Republican and U.S. Navy Veteran, he should be a strong supporter of personal protection.
According to Steve Lettunich, TCR’s state chairman, “This is an idea that has the support of every other Republican in the Texas Senate, as well as being a Republican platform item and the top priority of the Texas College Republicans. When you’re the only person stopping something that everyone else in your party is supporting, it’s time to reconsider your position.
“As Republicans, there are some things we might disagree about, but this is not one of them,” Lettunich continued.
“Reasonable people can disagree about how district lines should be drawn, or how money should be appropriated for one particular agency. Unlike those, this is a simple idea: Texas students and faculty should not be forced to surrender their right to self-defense in order to get an education.”
TCR is the official statewide federation of College Republicans chapters and a member of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC), the official collegiate arm of the Republican Party. TCR has 35 chapters and over 2500 members within those chapters.
Steve Ogden should resign in disgrace. Even if he doesn't he'll be toast in the next election unless he changes his stance immediately with profuse mea culpas. What kind of moron would vote to continue to enforce Virginia Tech style college gun policies – you know – the policies that ensured the 32 people murdered at VaTech would be unable to defend themselves? Concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding segment of society – less likely to commit serious crimes (felonies) than the police who enforce the law or the legislators who enact the laws. If you're going to… Read more »