Is Rick Perry A Wolf Or A Sheep?

Is Rick Perry A Wolf Or A Sheep?

National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Colorado ––( If you’re anything like me, you’ve been watching the various Republican Presidential candidates struggle to claim the mantle of “Constitutional Conservative” with some trepidation.

But who, among the candidates, actually supports our Constitutional rights?

Let me tell you, it’s easy to be sucked in by the latest fad candidate — beloved by the talking heads on TV and radio. Remember that the “beautiful people” in the establishment, political class lie to us for a reason.

They want our support, and will do or say anything to keep it, all the while continuing to protect the apparatus of state that provides them with power.

This is an important lesson for gun owners, who are perpetually the target of Big Government, anti-liberty advocates.

Take Texas Governor Rick Perry for example. From the fawning adulation he’s received from “conservatives” in the media over his flirtation with entering the Presidential race, you’d think he was the second coming of John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and John Galt all put together.

The political establishment doesn’t want to let the truth get in the way of a good story — or “political narrative,” as the hacks call it.

Despite the veneer of “conservative” and “liberty” language that Perry uses, his patronage by the Big Government Bush family and his record tell a completely different story.

In response to the outrageous invasions of privacy by the Transportation Safety Authority (TSA), liberty-loving conservatives in Texas were trying to outlaw TSA’s “grope-or-radiate” airport security policy — a clear government assault on your rights.

The policy requires all those traveling by air to submit either to physical pat-downs, which are little more than government sponsored sexual assaults, or invasive and radiation-heavy, semi-pornographic body scans.

There is no question that blocking the use of the “grope-or-radiate” security policy is the right thing to do; heck, even the executive director of the Texas Republican Party pleaded with Perry for passage of the bill.

However, Governor Perry and his stooges in the Texas Legislature decided to play political games with your freedom.

An open record request shows that in a few short days, Governor Perry received over 10,000 e-mails and letters insisting he support the legislation to rein in the TSA. He received only 13 letters in favor of keeping the radiation scanners.

Despite the overwhelming support, Perry delayed.

Taking a page out of the establishment playbook, he claimed that there was a lack of “consensus,” knowing full well all he had to do was delay long enough for the legislative session to end.

Instead of standing up for the liberties and privacy of the people of Texas, Governor Perry and his Big Government accomplices waited until the last day of the session to bring the legislation to the floor, assuring it wouldn’t have enough time to pass both chambers.

Despite intentionally delaying the bill and instructing his accomplices in the Texas Legislature to repeatedly try to poison the bill with amendments, Perry continues to tell everyone on the national stage that he supported the bill.

This is a prime of example of how establishment politicians like Governor Perry try to dupe citizens like you and me. On the one hand they claim to be liberty-minded conservatives, while at the same time, fighting to protect and expand the power of government behind the closed doors of the legislature.

Why does this matter? It’s simple.

Gun rights activists MUST oppose ANY attempts by the Federal government to usurp liberty in the name of safety, because ultimately, that same power will be used to ban or greatly restrict gun owners and gun ownership.

Perry and company managed to manipulate the system so that every member could cast a vote in support of the pro-liberty bill — and clean their skirts with the voters at home — without the fear that it might actually pass and limit the authority of government.

This sort of establishment calculation is designed specifically to provide cover to weak politicians who can go home to their districts and tell their constituents that they voted the “right” way — and the beast that is our government continues to grow.

To help cut through the political double speak, my staff has sent a gun rights survey to every announced Republican candidate for President. The survey was written in such a way to cut through the colorful language of the campaign trail and get to the truth about what the candidates believe about your right to keep and bear arms.

As the surveys are returned — or NOT returned in some cases — I will be sure to let YOU know the truth about where the Presidential candidates stand on Second Amendment issues.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

The National Association for Gun Rights was founded in 2001 to serve as a grassroots gun rights group focusing on building state-level gun rights groups and lobbying for pro-gun federal legislation. Brown has been a gun lobbyist for more than 17 years. Visit:

Editorial Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, or other sponsors and partners. See the Editorial-Review Process for more details.
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There are two Constitutional Conservatives running this year: 1) Ron Paul 2) Gary Johnson All the rest are pretenders, grandstanders and liars. Paul is probably the better choice. He has a long track record of consistent defense of the Constitution. He also has a broader support network and better name recognition. At this point, his campaign is #2 in contributions behind romney with over $4.5 million. Philosophically, I don't know of any significant differences in their positions and I believe either would be a better choice for president than any other candidate – not just for this election but for… Read more »


Forgot to add Ron Paul supports a NO COMPROMISE stance on the 2A.

Has as introduced legislation to repeal part of the 68 GCA in the past and deserves our support.


Rick Perry ran Al Gores presidential campaign efforts in Texas!

That’s right RICK PERRY was in Al Gores stable but became a republican at the behest of Karl Rove.

We need to repeal gun control laws not support new ones.

The worst thing we can do is in the name of being tough on crime is to capitulate and support reasonable gun control measures

Are you listening NRA that means when Obama unveils his new gun control schemes NO DEALS!



The only one I know of that has supported the Constitution 100% for all 25 years in public office is Ron Paul


I meant to say the TRANS-TEXAS corridor fiasco, the anti-VD shots for 13 year old girls w/o parental consent, etc. Sorry for the confusion; bad day.


Texans have known this for years; i.e., The Texas Texas fiasco, the shots for 13 year olds, and many other fiascos. He is not trusted by most Texans! He plays to the audiences..