Eric Holder has Been Served

Eric Holder has Been Served

National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Colorado ––( The efforts of readers like you are paying off!

Eric Holder has just been subpoenaed by Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee!

But this is only the beginning…

This subpoena will likely provide proof Eric Holder knew about all the smuggled weapons, drug cartels, murdered American border patrol agents, cover-ups, and perjury.

And exactly when he knew about it! But all of these details won’t mean a thing if we can’t break past the anti-gun media and broadcast this government corruption across the nation.

That’s where you come in. Like I’ve said, I won’t dance around on this one.

America needs to FIRE Attorney General Eric Holder!

Gun Rights organizations like NAGR must mobilize like never before to generate a whirlwind of pro-gun, anti-corruption outrage all over America.

I know you’ve read about the scandal engulfing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE).

And your National Association for Gun Rights has been on the case every step of the way, calling on Congress to investigate and get to the bottom of the ATF’s gun-smuggling scheme.

Just last week it was revealed that Eric Holder was briefed on “Fast & Furious” as early as the Summer of 2010 …

… even though he swore under oath before Congress that he found out about the scandal only a few weeks ago.

This is the very scandal that found the ATF using taxpayer funds to walk firearms across the border into the hands of Mexican narco-terrorists.

But dig even deeper, and gun activists will find out this scheme was concocted as a public relations blitz by the Obama Administration to advance their anti-gun agenda with the UN Small Arms Treaty, a renewed so-called “Assault Weapons” ban, and a host of dangerous gun controls.

The “Fast & Furious” program itself was nothing but a manufactured crisis designed to scare Americans into banning firearms.

But now because of a sustained campaign of grassroots pressure on Congress spearheaded by NAGR and others, Eric Holder has been served!

However, this is only the beginning…

Gun owners like you and me MUST be able to hold Eric Holder and the ATF accountable. For months, NAGR has asked you to contact your member of Congress to demand accountability for “Fast & Furious.”

Hundreds of thousands of NAGR members and supporters have made their voices heard on Capitol Hill.

And now, Attorney General Holder has been served with a subpoena demanding he turn over crucial documents in this investigation …

… but that’s not good enough.

Gun owners and ALL Americans need to know everything about the role Eric Holder played in “Fast & Furious.”

And I need your help to do it.

You see, Eric Holder has a long and storied history of supporting radical, anti-Second Amendment gun control legislation and legal positions.

He has made statements over the years indicating:

  • *** That gun ownership is a “collective right” not an individual right and that the Second Amendment is no barrier to gun confiscation;
  • *** That there should be federal licensing requirements and a national gun registration database.
  • *** That rationing of handgun sales to one per month is perfectly acceptable and the federal government has the power to shut down gun shows.

… and the list goes on and on.

Eric Holder is an enemy to every Second Amendment advocate in this country and he is covering up a scandal that is engulfing the ATF — the most anti-gun federal agency.

Gun owners — and voters like you and me — must know:

  • What did Eric Holder know and when did he know it??
  • And did he lie under oath to cover up this program?

These recently issued subpoenas will reveal much of this information.How many times over the last decade have you and I heard: “What did he know and when did he know it?” This is the question that gun activists are demanding of our government.

It’s time for the federal government to stop placing our gun rights in their experimental test tube of left-wing social experiments.

How deep does this scandal go? Holder isn’t enough — the corruption is institutional at the ATF.

And the more we dig, the more I’ve dealt with the ATF, the more it has become apparent that it’s time for a full-fledged investigation into the corrupt and anti-constitution bureaucracy of the ATF.

I need your help right now.

The truth is there’s no time to waste.

You and I have to be prepared for this fight to move FAST.

  • Do you believe the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment are the supreme law of the land?
  • Do you believe the ATF’s secret scheme to subvert your Constitutional right to keep and bear arms must be opposed?
  • Do you believe that Attorney General Eric Holder should be held accountable for lying under oath to cover up the “Fast & Furious” scandal?

If you said “Yes” to the questions above, the National Association for Gun Rights will continue contacting Second Amendment supporters to turn up the heat on Attorney General Eric Holder and the out-of-control ATF.

Not only that, but I’ve instructed my staff to prepare a massive program to turn up the heat on Congress and demand that they direct a special prospector to fully investigate Eric Holder and the ATF.

Direct mail. Phones. E-mail. Blogs. Guest editorials. Press conferences. Hard-hitting internet, newspaper, radio and even TV ads if funding permits. The whole nine yards.

Of course, a program of this scale is only possible if the National Association for Gun Rights can raise all the funds necessary to implement this battle plan.

But that’s not easy, and we may not have much time. The truth is, we just don’t know how deep this scandal goes. Make no mistake, a lot more is at stake than Eric Holder committing perjury. We just don’t know how far up the chain of command this goes.

  • Did President Obama know that the ATF was using taxpayer funds to funnel American firearms to narco-terrorists in Mexico?
  • Did Holder and Obama know that those same firearms were used to kill U.S. law-enforcement officer Brian Terry?
  • Was this program run simply to build the case for more gun restrictions in America?

These are the VERY questions that we gun owners need to know. Thank you in advance for your time and personal contributions devoted to defending our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. The efforts of NAGR members like you are paying off!

Eric Holder has just been subpoenaed by Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee!

But this is only the beginning… America needs to FIRE Attorney General Eric Holder! Gun Rights organizations like NAGR must mobilize like never before to generate a whirlwind of pro-gun anti-corruption outrage all over America.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights’ mailing address is P.O 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

Editorial Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, or other sponsors and partners. See the Editorial-Review Process for more details.
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L. Trotsky

What I haven't figured out yet is why the Mexican government hasn't indicted the officals of BATF, FBI and AG Holder for illegal gun trafficking. Wouldn't it be wonderful seeing the anti-gunners of ATF and DOJ being led off in handcuffs into a Mexican prison, the same thing they want to inflict on all AR-15 owners in their Amerika?

malcolm kyle

Our own Federal government trafficked over 2000 guns to Mexico in a blatant, back-door attempt to rob us of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Holder committed perjury when he claimed in congressional testimony that he knew nothing about 'Fast and Furious'. We now know for a fact that it was regularly reported on in weekly memos personally addressed to him. Eric Holder received at least five weekly memos beginning in July 2010, including four weeks in a row, describing Operation Fast and Furious. The memos were to Holder from Michael Walther, the director of the National Drug… Read more »