2nd Amendment Patriots Keeping Alive What The Framers Of Our Constitution Envisioned

2nd Amendment Patriots Keeping Alive What The Framers Of Our Constitution Envisioned

Second Amendment Patriots

Indianapolis, IN –-(Ammoland.com)- Don’t forget the next 2nd Amendment Patriot meeting is this coming Saturday Oct. 29th.

It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on a full thirteen years since this movement started.

No one back in January of 1999 could have imagined all the accomplishments this group of patriotic citizens would be making. I think back about all of the guests we’ve had over the years including the Lt. Governor and all the many legislators both federal, state and local.

We have had countless candidates as well for every imaginable race from local to federal. Then there are all of the many guests over the years that spoke about so many different topics of interests and had so much information to share.

It was the 2nd Amendment Patriots that turned out the largest number of shooters for a single weekend shoot for the Appleseed program of any state. I think that record still stands.

Along with all that are all the pro gun legislation that the folks of the 2nd Amendment Patriots assisted in getting passed into law by working with state legislators. We don’t want to forget the events that made the news, like the Armed Forces Day and Bill of Rights Day celebrations where we brought attention to historic days on our calendars that don’t get the attention they once did.

The number one thing about this group of people is all the friendships that were made over the years. People who never would have met each other have made lasting relationships as a result of this movement. It has also brought about a great deal of inspiration to become involved and to see what happens when people do STAY UNITED.

I know over the years some have come and some have gone, but for the most part folks have stayed in for the long haul and new folks have come on board. We miss the ones who have drifted away, but are encouraged by the many who still attend the meetings and also the new faces we see each month.

Anoesis is a word defined as a state of mind consisting of pure sensation or emotion without cognitive content. That is a marked characteristic of the liberal sector of society that is imbedded throughout the population.

Thankfully, we have folks like those within the 2nd Amendment Patriots that help keep a balance in what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.

Thank you very much Patriots. We look forward to seeing you Saturday. Margie wants me to ask folks to bring their favorite soup (no chili this time) for the meal and any desserts and soda pops would be most welcomed.

“The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.” John Qunicy Adams

Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots

The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs. Visit: www.2ndamendmentpatriots.org