The Most Racist Presidential Campaign Ever

Presidential Election 2012 ~ Register to VOTE
The Most Racist Presidential Campaign Ever

PHOENIX, AZ –-( The lamestream media told you: “JACKSONVILLE, Fla. A billionaire who considered a plan to resurrect incendiary comments by President Barack Obama’s former pastor shelved the idea Thursday after Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney denounced the tactic that would have drawn the issue of race into the presidential campaign,” according to the Associated Press, in a story with no byline.

The only significant issues in the upcoming presidential campaign are the economy, jobs, the economy, foreign affairs, and the economy.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
How can any conscious person think that race is not an issue in the upcoming election? Yet the “news” media is falling into lockstep behind the politically correct lie that race is not an issue.

The hypocrisy will be front and center as reports for the next 23 weeks will analyze how many blacks are voting for the black or partially black incumbent. Race is a dominant issue, but in classic naked-emperor style, every reporter and editor will see it and claim it does not exist, or charge “racism” to anyone who can see that it is and dares to say so. People will vote based on race on both sides of this black-and-white divide.

The current effort at race denial by adamant racists concerns supreme racist and hate-monger Jeremiah Wright, who for 20 years preached hate and race-baiting to a nearly segregated congregation including the man now in the White House.

In a stunning denial of reality, Mr. Obama claims he never noticed the hate spewing forth from this horrid little man of the so-called “black liberation theology,” an America-hating screed dedicated to “destroying the white enemy.”

Race is not an issue?

Now, in a social-pressure tactic, all the lamestream “news” media has declared that coverage of this hateful two frickin decades in Mr. Obama’s career, “going too far,” beyond the pale, and no longer an issue. This has forced one concerned citizen to not air commercials reminding the public of what Obama brought to the election. It is hidden and dismissed by the lamestreamers, and now being suppressed by the entire news corps. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, two of America’s most overt and high-profile racists, agree with the lamestream on this point.


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