Colorado Gun Rights Victories Last Night

Colorado General Assembly NRA-ILA
Colorado Gun Rights Victories Last Night

Colorado –-( Last night’s primary election once again proved that gun owners — and the issues they care about — are vital to conservative wins in elections.

In a complete and total rout, RMGO PAC won every race it was involved in. Every race. And all of them by double-digit victories.

  • Senate District 8 GOP Primary — GOP State Rep. Randy Baumgardner challenged State Senator Jean White in this mountain country district and won by more than 16%.
  • Senate District 10 GOP Primary — RMGO member and activist Owen Hill defeated weak-kneed State Rep. Larry Liston by 22% in El Paso.
  • Senate District 23 GOP Primary — RMGO member and activist Vicki Marble handily defeated long-time State Rep. Glen Vaad in northern Colorado.
  • State House District 22 GOP Primary — RMGO member Justin Everett defeated Loren Bauman in this Littleton seat.
  • State House District 63 GOP Primary — RMGO member Lori Saine held off a disgruntled write-in opponent who had failed to even garner a handful of delegates in their earlier Weld County Convention.
  • State House District 48 GOP Primary — Long-time RMGO member/activist Steve Humphrey defeated anti-gun Jeffrey Hare by a nearly 14% margin in this race, where RMGO’s survey (and Mr. Hare’s abysmal response) took center stage in this Weld County race.

These primary winners will join other RMGO PAC endorsed newcomer candidates and incumbents to dramatically increase the pro-gun contingency in the Colorado legislature.

All of these winners answered the RMGO survey 100% and will be expected to pull at the oars for our Constitutional Rights.

But the victories last night belong to you, the activists and supporters. Well done.

For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
RMGO PAC Director

Paid for by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners PAC

About Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

Based in Colorado, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is Colorado’s largest state-based gun lobby. It is a group solely dedicated to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Our strategy is simple: don’t give an inch. Visit:

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

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Lawrence Muhr

It is well known that the IRS is the strong arm for the government used to punish those who dare defy the administration. Could it be this is the case? Additionally, an accusation is not a conviction in our nation. I’m not defending Brown but I believe we need to wait of the facts. If he is being deceitful, I will be dropping my membership and donations.

William Flatt

Winner: "…so if I align myself with predetermined winners of races do I get to claim victory and ask people for money?"

Why not? That's what the NRA does all the time! Which is also why I am a Life Member of Gunowners of America ( – because they don't compromise – ever. Not like the NRA.


Umm…so if I align myself with predetermined winners of races do I get to claim victory and ask people for money?

Sounds like Dudley is headed down the road to poo-ville, his reprehensible tactics and ethics are starting to catch up with him!


IS it true that Rocky Mountain Gun Owners hasn’t filed a tax return in 3 years and lost its non profit status. Why isn’t anyone registered to lobby for RMGO in the Capitol. You’d thing a “gun rights” organization would have a registered lobbyist. Is it true Dudley Brown was arrested for cocaine possession and assault on a young woman as reported in a CO paper some years back? Colorado gun group fails to file with IRS, could be hit with tax bill Posted: 06/25/2012 12:41:56 PM MDT Updated: 06/25/2012 12:42:05 PM MDT By Lynn Bartels The Denver Post… Read more »