Gun Control Wackos Cry Foul Over NRA Fundraising Letter

Gun Control, Wackos
Gun Control Wackos Cry Foul Over NRA Fundraising Letter, Screeching the NRA is to blame

Manasquan, NJ –-( Gun Control advocates across the Country are now crying foul over the fact that the NRA apparently sent out a fundraising letter to members a few days after the tragic shooting in Aurora Colorado.

As a Lifetime NRA member, I can safely say that their complaints are not only just more rampant hypocrisy because the shooting certainly didn’t prevent the Gun Control side from issuing impassioned plea’s for more donations themselves, but I know, as all other NRA members know, that the NRA sends out fund-raising letters on a near-weekly basis, regardless of what is or isn’t happening on the National Stage.

The complaints and whining from Bloomberg and others is simply one more in a litany of examples of their “do as I say, not as I do “ mindset. Bloomberg suggested recently that all police Nationwide go on strike until Citizens pressure lawmakers to enact new gun laws, but didn’t act like a true leader and immediately dismiss his heavily armed, 24/7 Police Officer Security Detail as an example.

Of course, there’s the now requisite insistence that the “NRA is to blame” for Aurora and any other criminal use of a firearm,  and they reliably trotted out this mantra out anytime there was a crime involving the use of a firearm. Strangely enough, not one of the gun-grabbing groups or their followers has seen fit to recognize that if anyone other than James Holmes is at fault, it is apparently the Aurora Police Dept’s, as it is now being widely reported that the psychologist that was treating James Holmes took the extraordinary step of breaking the patient confidentiality rule and warning the Police about her concerns and the threat posed by Mr. Holmes and they did nothing about it.

From the link.

“Fenton would have had to have serious concerns to break confidentiality with her patient to reach out to the police officer or others, the sources said. Under Colorado law, a psychiatrist can legally breach a pledge of confidentiality with a patient if he or she becomes aware of a serious and imminent threat that their patient might cause harm to others. Psychiatrists can also breach confidentiality if a court has ordered them to do so.”

Gun Control Advocates and their followers continue to trot out the tired and fabricated mantra that the “NRA is to blame” either not realizing, not caring, or being incapable of understanding that the NRA is NOT a “shill for the gun manufacturer’s”, but is a MEMBER driven organization, populated by over 4 million American citizens, from all walks of life.

The actual lobbying group for firearms manufacturers is the NSSF. But trying to argue against a lobby that most people have never heard of doesn’t help the narrative of the Pro Victimhood blood dancers, so they necessarily create a demon, “it’s those people that are to blame” in order to further their agenda. For all their self-professed “open-mindedness” gun control advocates are the first ones to engage in mind-boggling levels of bigotry and ad hominem attacks against people they don’t even know.

Tolerance, diversity, and understanding are only valued by the gun grabbers when it’s their point of view or opinion.

Hypocrites all.

About Dan Roberts

More articles, commentary and information by D. Roberts available at That Every Man Be

Dan Roberts

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Gungrabbers will continue to spew their BS as long as the Kenyan Muslim stinks up ‘our’ White House. They talk about ‘common sense this,common sense that’ but have none at all ! They don’t use the ‘gun violence’ catchphrase as often anymore,….there is no such thing !!!! Maybe they have enough common sense to have figured that out !

Mike Glaser

Notwithstanding the fact that gun control would not stop any of the occasional mass-murderers who crawl out of the woodwork, ask those who demand more gun control even if it would "only save a few lives" how the State takes care of those Americans who are completely innocent and incapable of violence. What happens to this class of people who are completely helpless but who are, out of convenience and monetary gain defined as less-than-human? These Americans are our Nation's unborn, yet the fact that 3,000 – 4,000 are killed daily somehow doesn't garner the support of the vast majority… Read more »