By Alan Korwin
PHOENIX, AZ –-( The lamestream media told you:
USA TODAY -Susan Davis 8/16/12 — Congress is on pace to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post-World War II era.
Just 61 bills have become law to date in 2012 out of 3,914 bills that have been introduced by lawmakers, or less than 2 percent of all proposed laws, according to a USA Today analysis of records since 1947 kept by the U.S. House Clerk’s office.
These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Harry S. Truman called the “do-nothing Congress” in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Break out the champagne, what glorious news! Ignoring the unmitigated statist big-government approach of the lamestream media, people everywhere were celebrating the word that Congress has burdened the public with the fewest new laws in decades. “The size of government can be directly measured by the numbers of laws it passes,” said The Uninvited Ombudsman, in a press conference attended by no one. “When we the people say, ‘Just leave us alone,’ or ‘Spend less money, live within your means, stop taking actions you’re not authorized by the Constitution to take,’ that translates into passing fewer laws,” he said. Every new law brings with it regulators, bureaucrats, lawyers, administrators, accountants and enforcers to make it happen, growing government.
Hoping that the laws on the books might actually shrink is just wishful thinking he said, but we can hope for change. No repeals have passed, as far as records show. Calls to include expiration dates on all new laws have gone nowhere. The “news” media was not reached for comment.
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