Gun TV Show Host Jim Scouten Reminds Americans Of The ‘Economics Of Gun Control’

Gun Free Zones are Killing Zones
Gun Free Zones are Killing Zones
Shooting USA
Shooting USA

USA –-( As firearms sales have surged since the Dec. 19th shooting in Newtown, CT, many businesses and companies have chosen to make their restaurants, stores, and offices gun-free zones.

Responding to the knee-jerk anti-gun reaction is Outdoor Channel and Shooting USA host, Jim Scoutten, that wants to remind all conceal carry owners and Americans that not every business is conceal carry friendly and that some businesses are indeed gun-free zones.

On the Shooting USA website, Scoutten has created and is sharing business cards and fliers (see below) that allow conceal carry owners to show their support for pro-conceal carry businesses. The site also offers a card that informs gun-free zone businesses that as a conceal carry owner you won’t be risking your life without your legal conceal firearm in their “killing zones”.

The site informs its readers, “[b]usinesses need to know their choices affect their bottom line.” And that conceal carry owners “need to compliment the businesses that welcome your Concealed Gun [a]nd to notify the ones who ban your gun.”

Scoutten also has posted a full-page flier that suggests it should be posted “at the entrance of shopping malls and other large facilities that prohibit firearms on the property”.

“Tape one up next to the “no guns” sign as a public service to unaware shoppers” and “take a photo of your posting and send it” to [email protected].

The Outdoor Channel host and Shooting USA star can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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Thomas Nelson

The number of people that will be affected beyond comprehension it will affect each and every Man Woman Child in the world the social economy will be devastating if the gun ban goes thru think or try to think of how many homes cars stores gun-shops party-stores resturants gas stations even major chain stores gun mfg ammo mfg grocery-stores machine shops steel supply machine tools makers/suppliers the list goes on and on the big 3 car makers foreign domestic car dealerships the thought of the impact this will have on the country BE AFRAID BE MIGHTY AFRAID