Mr Obama Stop Disarming Us

By Colion Noir

Mr Obama Stop Disarming Us
Mr Obama Stop Disarming Us
NRA News
NRA News

Fairfax, VA –-( Colion Noir: “Let’s talk about the violence in the inner cities. Everyone wants to ask why. Why the killing, why the murders, why the deaths.

Well, if gun control proponents would stop using the inner cities as a jump off every time they want to bolster their gun control argument and actually pay attention to the cause of violence in the inner cities, it wouldn’t be such a mystery.

Which makes no sense because the number of gun deaths in the inner cities dwarfs the number of gun deaths from mass shootings.

But for some reason nobody ever brings up the violence in the inner cities until we have a mass shooting in never, never land.

Because it isn’t rocket science. If I’m a young kid growing up in a single parent home, living in poverty, attending a useless and wholly underfunded education system, and the only picture of success I see are gangbangers and drug dealers who own limited turf, who have to rob, steal and kill in order to survive — it doesn’t talk a genius to see why sweet little Andre turned into little Pookie.

But hey, I guess I can’t blame you. It’s easy to sit on your IKEA couch live-tweeting the Bachelor and simply ignoring the violence in the inner cities because it doesn’t affect you.

And I know this because I did the same thing. Except I tweet the Walking Dead.

While we’re at it, because everyone wants to cry gun control every time there’s a mass shooting, let’s be real. When’s the last time a little skinny black kid walked into a school and started shooting people randomly?

I’ll wait….

That’s right, they haven’t. because they’re too busy killing each other.

So the next time there’s a mass shooting and you start to feel a certain kind of way because the mass shooting forced you to confront your own vulnerabilities all of a sudden, feel free not to use the violence in the inner cities all of a sudden to bolster your gun control argument.

Because before that violence came knocking on your front door, you didn’t care what happened in the inner cities. so don’t start caring now because you think it advances your agenda.

And you know who’s the biggest offender? That’s right, I’m talking about you, Mr. President. Because, quite frankly, something just isn’t adding up.

During your first term as president, you were silent on the issue of guns, even going so far as to say you won’t come for our guns.

But in your second term, you donned your suit of Mr. Captain America of gun control to save the kids.

But what happened to the middle class that you said you would so fervently fight to defend?

Every one of your policies for gun control affect only the middle class, law-abiding citizens.

The privileged have no use for so called assault weapons because, I mean, they’re surrounded by security.

Criminals don’t care what law you pass because they’re, well, criminals.

So where does that leave the middle class in America?
I’ll tell you. Being dictated to and treated like children by the ruling elite who, tell us, we don’t need certain types of weapons to adequately protect ourselves from the lower class, criminal element, who’s chomping at the bits, rooting for this gun control legislation because it only makes their job easier to feast on us law-abiding citizens like sheep because you’ve left us defenseless.

  • All because you want to politic?
  • And your answer in one breath is, ban the assault weapons.
  • And in the same breath you say you know the majority of the gun deaths committed with handguns?

You’re not staying consistent, Mr. Obama.”

Stop giving me soundbites. It’s old and I’m tired of hearing it. It’s the same rhetoric proposing stupid legislation that won’t work at anything except disarming the segment of the population that needs those arms the most.

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit:

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Good statement but Obama won’t listen to you no matter what your point, race, or where you come from. His bottom line is to rid America of the 2nd amendment. He does not care what criminals do. He does not care that blacks kill blacks kill blacks. He only wants to take guns from people who could make a difference. Good blacks don’t protect themselves. They thing the government is there to take care of them and are shocked to find out it does not work that way. Obama will sacrifice each and everyone of you and your kids to… Read more »


Very well said. Agreed. Now how do we get this into the coconut-shelled heads of the rest of the heads-in-the-sander?


It’s not about crime, folks, it’s time to recognize Obama for what he really is, and what he wants to be.

“They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

D. Murphy

Shame on any gun owner who voted democratic and has lead us into this mess!!


AWESOME MESSAGE!! to bad the MORONIC POLITITIANS wont listen! They have and old decrepit windbag who is anti gun anyways and quoted after her gun list was unveiled after a weekend marathon to get the list public to shut the Democratic, Liberal, Crusading, FFF’s that they were exhausted ” LOOKING AT PICTURES” of guns to add to the list!! What a crock of crap!. This statement makes obviously TO MUCH SENSE ! For our polititians to listen to !! Granted the NewTown shooting that kicked the recent ” ban the assault guns” movement doesnt fix the problem!! Add up the… Read more »


WOW! Mr. Colion Noir is so good at cutting through all the BS. Great message.

This should be a TV commercial on every national network.