This event is 2A FlashMob Approved, anyone attending will automatically qualify for their own FREE 2A Mob Patch.

North Carolina –-( In a push to revive federal gun control which failed in April, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” will make one its 100 bus tour stops at Moore Square in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, June 22 2013 at 9:00 AM.
When they do, members of Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC), the state’s most influential gun rights organization, will be there to greet them. Gun rights supporters will deliver a clear message which the media too often refuses to carry: “Guns Save Lives!”
- As documented by criminologist Gary Kleck, each year in the U.S. experiences approximately 2.3 million defensive gun uses — the vast majority without shots being fired.
- North Carolinians, like citizens in most of the U.S., reject gun control as not only an ineffective infringement on individual liberty, but as dangerous public policy which serves only to embolden criminals.
- As documented by former U.S. Sentencing Commission chief economist, the most effective deterrent to murder, rape and aggravated assault is the adoption of concealed handgun laws which enable citizens to protect themselves.
- In the most blatant example yet of inflating the perception of gun deaths, Bloomberg’s radicals have included among their list of “victims of gun violence,” Boston bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev‎, cop-killer Christopher Dorner and other violent predators.
GRNC will invite Bloomberg and his band of radicals to take their fake demonstrations to other states, where fewer people understand that gun control isn’t about guns, but rather about control.
“Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (MAIG) recently began a 100-city bus tour to push for federal gun bans. Although Bloomberg keeps the bus schedule secret to avoid actually hearing what people want, we have learned that the MAIG bus tour will hit Raleigh at 9:00 AM on Saturday.
It’s time to show the media and the world that Bloomberg does not speak for the nation by showing up at GRNC’s “MAIG Counter Demonstration.” Yes, the notice is short. No, you probably don’t have time, or you have something else scheduled. . .
Be there anyway!
- Saturday, June 22 at 9:00 AM
- Moore Square, Raleigh, NC, 27601
- (Moore Sq. at the corner of Martin St. & Person St.)
- A peaceful counter protest to deliver a message to the media that “Guns Save Lives!”
If you think you can make it, please let us know how many people you are bringing by emailing: [email protected]
From the east: I-40E to Ex. 299 (Hammond Rd) toward Person St. Go 0.3 mi & turn left toward Hammond Rd. Go 108 ft & left onto Hammond Rd. Go 0.7 mi & continue onto S Person St. Go 1.0 mi & turn left onto E Martin St. Destination will be on the right.
- Firearms are prohibited by law at demonstrations and protests.
- Dress for the press: Please avoid wearing anything which allows the media to depict us as the radicals rather than our opposition (e.g. shirts with slogans which could be construed as racist, etc.)
- Keep signs on message: GRNC will have a large number of lime green “Guns Save Lives!” signs which are highly effective at showing up on TV cameras, but you are free to bring your own. However, please don’t use signs which could be used to depict us in a negative light, and stick to the pro-gun message.
- This is a peaceful counter demonstration: Do not engage in heckling or other altercations with the opposition.

Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a non-profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in 1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment, GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North Carolina.
About 2A Flashmob:Â
In an effort to motivate gun owners and Second Amendment Supporters to show up in person at important events and rallies AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob Patches to anyone who attends a protest, rally, open carry event, committee hearing at your state capital or a counter protest. (You may already be eligible)
Spread the word, get out, get active!
I thought all the “special” people rode a short bus?
The bus should be called the anti-American , anti-constitution tour and be labeled that by everyone that discusses it .