Connecticut – -( Anti-rights groups have announced that they will protest a gun rights rally planned by Connecticut Citizens Defense League for April 5th 2014 using social media and creating a ‘thunderclap‘ at ( )
“Now, the anti-rights groups and politicians are continuing their attacks against gun owners by trying to demonize and minimize us through social media and our corrupt local media. They are calling us ‘the KKK‘, ‘the lunatic fringe’ and stating that we are ‘bullies‘ further implying that we are violent or somehow intimidating. We are exercising our natural rights to freely associate, assemble and possess tools to affect our own defense; all the while trying to keep from being locked in a cage or shot to death by the police.”
Our response is to counterattack! We will need help from every single person reading this to make a thunderclap that makes their efforts look petty and silly.
Go to the linked site and choose to ‘support‘ this campaign with any of the following that you have an account for:
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This costs you NOTHING. All you are doing is granting permission for the well known, secure site to post the message you see on that page to your social media account on April 5th 2014 at 12:00pm. It is easy as a few clicks to embarrass the anti-rights cultists that are hurting gun owners in Connecticut.
If you don’t have an account on one of these sites, please consider starting one. Social media is a very important tool for us.
Spread this link as far and wide as possible. The supporters are already at 1,247 Â and rising with your help. We do not plan to stop there. We will be increasing this number as we progress. There is no upper limit to our campaign.
People do not need to be in Connecticut to support this campaign, invite all of your friends, family and organizations in whatever states they might be in to crush these collectivists. Share this post with everyone on your friends list, and email to your contacts.
Ph: 203-208-9577
Email: [email protected]
About Connecticut Carry:
Connecticut Carry is a non-partisan, grassroots, non-profit organization devoted to educating Connecticut to our rights in Connecticut. Visit:
I miss John Wayne and Ronald Regan!! We have gone to shit ever since
America has been “circling the drain” since “Cash for Clunkers”. Stand for all your rights, not just the 2nd Amendment!
@Darren: Exactly! To everyone else: I know it is difficult to keep your temper, but this is a war of hearts and minds. Don’t let them provoke you. Be respectful, even though they don’t deserve respect. Remember, the people you are trying to convince are the ones who are undecided, not the anti-gun people. Hearts and minds. On social media, think before you post. Act like you are writing a cover letter or resume. Use spell check. Use proper grammar. Don’t use text speak. Don’t give them a chance to derail the debate over minor stuff like the above. Hearts… Read more »
It is likely that the gun rights haters are going to try to provoke angry reactions from the liberty activists at this rally. They did this when we counter-rallied them last year First pic is of Andy (in Oath Keepers T-shirt) after he reacted to getting a spittle laden cough in the face. IMHO, leadership should emphasize to participants that they must remain calm & respectful regardless of the insults & provocation the other side dishes out.
We could do something about the communists that are trying to destroy our country. The problem is, it will be rather messy.
oldgringo: It was Merle Haggard, Brother (Are the Good Times Still Over For Good?)
The CommieCRats are over running this country and we can’t seem to do nothing to stop them…As Whalon Jennings once sang “Are we headed down hill like a snow ball headed for hell?”…I believe we are!
Thanks for supporting this!! Much appreciated!