Saturday, May 17
9:00 am
Syracuse NY
400 7th North St., Liverpool, NY 13088
Syracuse NYÂ –-( The Second Amendment Foundation is excited to co-sponsor with the Leadership Institute, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Shooters Committee on Political Education an important workshop for New York gun owners.
Being active in the public policy process is a big part of making a difference for the cause of Second Amendment rights.
The Gun Owner Campaign Workshop teaches you how to manage or contribute to a winning campaign. Every year thousands run for elected office, but only a few win. Get the skills necessary to be a leader for gun rights or campaign of your choice and lead in the fight to defend your rights.
You will learn how to create campaign, finance, and communications plans as well as voter outreach and get-out-the-vote strategies.
Ideal attendees are campaign staff, candidates, activists, or groups interested in working on ballot initiatives, propositions, or legislation.
Topics covered include the following:
You will learn to:
- Recruit and manage volunteers
- Build a grassroots infrastructure
- Raise money for your cause or campaign
- Communicate more effectively
- Develop your campaign message
Sample Lectures Include:
- What a Campaign Looks Like
- Researching the Candidates and District
- Developing a Campaign Strategy and Message
- Building Coalitions
- Hiring and Firing of Consultants
- Person to Person Fundraising
Please feel free to contact us with any questions on registration for this event. We also need help getting the word out. So please feel free to forward this invite to any groups or individuals you think would be interested in attending. Please update the calendar of groups you think would be interested. We would enjoy having as many people at this important event as possible.
Links to more information and program details, the event flyer, and RSVP page can be found here. Lunch will be included for pre-registered attendees.