Do not talk to Reporters after a Shooting

By Dean Weingarten

Thomas Greer
Thomas Greer
Dean Weingarten
Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -( Thomas Greer gained fame in July of this year by making some imprudent statements to reporters.

He had shot one of a pair of burglars that had assaulted him in his home. He said that the woman that he killed, Andrea Miller, had told him that she was pregnant as a ruse to gain advantage and prevent him from shooting her. Greer is 80 years old, and had his collar bone broken in the assault.

From the

‘Thomas Greer is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury,’ according to the report signed by Deputy District Attorney Janet Moore.

‘Greer exercised his legal and legitimate right of self-defense when he shot and killed Andrea Miller.’

The investigation makes it seem likely that Greer was “tough talking” to reporters, rather than clearly stating the facts of what happened.

His previous statement:

‘The lady didn’t run as fast as the man so I shot her in the back twice. She’s dead.. but he got away. She says “don’t shoot me, I’m pregnant, I’m gonna have a baby” and I shot her anyway.

The statement did not hold up against forensic analysis.  Mr. Greer fired three shots, two of which struck Miller, once in the left side of the chest, and once in the right knee.  Neither shot is in the back, as stated by Greer.  The shooting happened inside of Greer’s home, not outside, as was implied by early reporting. After being shot, Miller fled the home and collapsed in the alley outside.

Presumably, Greer told prosecutors a different version of events, one that was consistent with the physical evidence, probably on the advice of counsel.

The incident serves as an example of why it is a bad idea to talk to the media after a self defense shooting.  While you have no legal obligation to tell the media the truth, you will be tried in the court of public opinion.

Greer was widely accused of being a cold blooded murderer because of the ill considered statements that he made.  He would have been better served by refusing comment.

I have to give the prosecutor, Janet Moore, credit for thoroughly investigating this case and making the right decision.  It would have been politically correct to take the old white guy’s braggadocio at face value and prosecuted him to the full extent of the law.

It would not have served justice, it would have been a waste of taxpayers money, but it would have been politically correct.

Gus Adams, who has been implicated as Miller’s accomplice, is being charged with her murder, under the felony murder rule. Most states have a version of the rule. Its essence is that if you are involved in a crime where someone is killed, where the death would not have happened if the crime were not attempted or committed, you can be charged as the person responsible for the death.


A Rule of Law that holds that if a killing occurs during the commission or attempted commission of a felony (a major crime), the person or persons responsible for the felony can be charged with murder.

Generally an intent to kill is not necessary for felony-murder. The rule becomes operative when there is a killing during or a death soon after the felony, and there is some causal connection between the felony and the killing.

While Mr. Greer was finally found to have been justified in his actions, it could have cost him far more than it did.  His case serves as a strong example to others not to talk to the media.

c2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included. Link to Gun Watch

About Dean Weingarten;

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

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Call 911, tell them there was a home invasion at your address, the intruders need medical attention.
tell them you are an armed citizen and will defended yourself.

Give them your description, height weight, what handgun you are using.
when you hear them arrive, place the firearm on the floor and step back.

When they talk to you tell them you feared for your life and will talk more when you settle down,
considering what you just went through and do not talk again until you have a lawyer by your side.


“They were going to kill me”! I felt threatened and my life was endangered.


The crucifixion of George Zimmerman in the Lamestream Media should be a good example of what happens when those weasels get their teeth into you.

David: San Antonio

Add to this…Never…EVER say you shot to kill. You shot to STOP the individual and that’s it. IF you have to talk to the cops…and you will…be accurate, but keep your answers very short…do NOT elaborate on the event…then tell them you want a lawyer…who will, then, answer their questions. IF you talk to the media(you are stupid if you do)…you will be found guilty by the “court of public opinion”…which could carry over to court with the jury should it go to trial.


The guy would have told to this to other people and it would have made the rounds anyway and potentially come up in court. You do not say anything except the person got the consequences of their actions.


Never talk to Reporters OR Cops – They will Twist what you say to fit Their Agenda.

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