Michigan – -(Ammoland.com)-It has come to the attention of the Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO) Board of Directors that, in the wake of the latest senseless tragedy, an old news article from several years ago is being recirculated on the Internet and is causing some confusion.
About three years ago, MCRGO Board of Directors Member, Senator Mike Green, introduced legislation, SB 59, that would have allowed Michigan CPL holders to carry in the so-called “Pistol Free Zones” (a/k/a: Mass Murderer Empowerment Zones) so long as they attended an additional one-day training session (NRA’s “Personal Protection Outside The Home”).
The bill passed through both houses of the Michigan legislature with bi-partisan support, and was presented to Governor Snyder. The morning after final passage in the late-night hours of the last day of the legislative session, the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place. In the wake of the public debate, the Governor hesitated for a time, and then vetoed the bill.
Recently, Senator Green introduced a different bill, SB 442, which is co-sponsored by MCRGO Board Members, Senators Meekhoff and Casperson .
Link: You can find it here.
SB 442 would allow for any CPL holder to request an exemption from the “Pistol Free Areas.” There would be no fee if the request is made at initial licensing, or upon renewal. If the request is made during the term of a CPL license, there would be a fee up to $20 for the issuance of a new license. This bill has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Hearings have not been held yet. In other words, it is early in the legislative process. No vote has been taken as of the date of writing this article.
MCRGO and its Board Members continue to push for an expansion of the areas in which CPL holders can lawfully carry their guns for the protection of themselves and others.
The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners mourns the loss of innocent lives and would like to express sympathy for the victims and their families.
The author would like to acknowledge the bravery and sacrifice of Chris Mintz, 10-year Army Veteran and student at Umpqua Community College, who was shot seven times while trying to protect his fellow students and their faculty and staff. Thankfully, it appears that Mr. Mintz will survive being shot on his son’s sixth birthday. While we don’t yet know whether Mintz is a CPL/CCW licensee, we should all agree that it would have been better for all concerned if he had been allowed to be in possession of an effective defensive tool during this situation.
I will not name the shooter here or in any public forum since it appears that part of what drives these psychopaths is the desire for notoriety.
The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day.
Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms through education, litigation, and legislation” Visit: www.mcrgo.org