National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Legislation

Pro Gun Legislation
National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Legislation
NRA - Institute for Legislative Action
NRA – Institute for Legislative Action

Fairfax, VA -( Thanks to your continued calls and emails, NRA supported Right-to-Carry bills have seen increases in co sponsorships over these past few weeks.

Please continue to contact your elected officials and urge them to cosponsor and support these important bills:

S. 498 – Introduced by U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), this legislation would respect the rights of individuals who possess concealed carry permits from their home state, or who are not prohibited from carrying concealed in their home state, to exercise those rights in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill currently has 32 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 498.

H.R. 923 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.), this legislation is the House companion bill to S. 498. The legislation would also respect the rights of individuals who possess concealed carry permits from their home state, or who are not prohibited from carrying concealed in their home state, to exercise those rights in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill currently has 36 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 923.

H.R. 986 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), this bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill would also provide legal protection for law-abiding concealed carry permit holders against states that violate the intent of this bill. This bill currently has 183 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 986.

H.R. 402 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Rich Nugent (R-Fla.), this bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. The bill currently has 93 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 402.

NRA would like to thank the sponsors and cosponsors of these critically important bills. Again, we ask that you contact your lawmakers today and ask them to cosponsor and support these bills.

You can contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative by phone at (202) 224-3121 or click here to write your lawmakers today.

About the NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

For more information, please visit: Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at NRA on Facebook and Twitter @NRA.

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No permit states should be accepted with state id. like Alaska is a no permit state , open or concealed.


Their point is to make it so that normally law abiding people get trapped into being labeled a criminal, thus the next time you go to buy a gun you can not purchase it because you have a CRIMINAL record.


All well and good that the bills have been introduced in the House and Senate. Now, EVERYONE, call the NRA and tell them you want a vote this session or it will just sit there. The NRA will say “well, we got it introduced”. Yes you did, but we want a vote and if you put your weight behind it we’ll get it. Let Obama veto it, it’ll set it up, with cosponsors, for (hopefully) a more friendly Administration after 2016. But we must push NRA now for either a stand alone vote or to have it attached to a… Read more »

David W

I have already reached out to my senators and congressman on this issue, and being they are liberal dems I don’t expect them to act on it or co-sponsor it though it is the right thing to do because it keeps law-abiding people out of trouble should they enter another state. This isn’t stepping on states rights, it is doing the right thing to keep good people from becoming criminals.


Sadly, my Senator (Jeff Merkely) is against serving his constituents, and sees this as undermining the states rights. He’s another reason for term limits.