Roseville, CA -(AmmoLand.com)- Assembly Bill 1664, authored by Assembly members Marc Levine and Phil Ting, both Bay Area Democrats;
“would define detachable magazine to mean an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm without disassembly of the firearm action, including….with the use of a tool.”
Cutting through all of the legislative legalese, Levine’s proposal would force ALL owners of ALL semi-automatic firearms that employ a “Bullet Button” or some other magazine-locking device to register them as “assault weapons.”
The bill would also BAN the future sales of any center fire rifle with a detachable magazine employing a “Bullet Button,” cutting down the number of rifles Californians can buy significantly.
If you own one of these firearms, your kids WON’T be able to inherit it, you CAN’T transfer it to anyone and you WILL BE in a special file at the Department of Justice.
The authors will say that AB 1664 is just a simple bill that will be used to promote public safety.
But we all know that this isn’t about public safety; it’s about public control. And it is about disarming YOU.
FPC is committed to defending the people’s fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms at all costs.
But we cannot do it without your voice.
Sign the petition to let Sacramento politicians know that they need to get their grubby hands off of your rifle!

About the Firearms Policy Coalition:
Firearms Policy Coalition is a grassroots 501(c)4 nonprofit public benefit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially the fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
For more information, visit: www.firearmspolicy.org.
Solution: All conservative gun owners move to Arizona and Texas. Let Brown build his “Anti-Trump” wall, trapping population of sheep just like North Korean. Watch from afar as the state collapses.
This is written by some complete nut. Their ignorance seems to show here because even creating the law shows their total lack of understanding of firearms. Since the bay area is being forcably disarmed I’d expect the murder and crime to begin increasing soon. Capping that with other policies should make it completely uninhabitable in the near future. When are antigun people going to figure out their laws hurt law abiding citizens?
They get what they deserve. They elect these idiots and never oust them from office. If all of the law abiding gun owners would pack up their belongings and businesses and move to a gun and business friendly state, the problem would self adjust. The criminals would take over the state without resistance… Oh, wait the criminals are already in charge of it. I meant the gun toting criminals, not the politicians. The state economy would collapse, before the new $15/hr min wage causes it to go further south that is, because a significant percentage of the tax paying parties… Read more »
What a bunch if IGNORANT MORONS Kalifornia has.
Of course, state employees who carry a gun are exempt.
Heres whatch do in Moombean J.B. state I do believe they call it Kommiefornia, Kookafornia,Peoples Republic of California.Just ignore the law. It is clearly unconstitutional and as such is null and void by the people.