By John Farnam
Ft Collins, CO –-( In an interview on ABC Sunday, HRC ( Hillary Rodam Clinton ) obviously didn’t appreciate questions about our Second Amendment and did her best NOT to answer them.
As with all liberals, what answers she did choke-out were ambiguous, and she never defined her terms, nor said anything specific, even when timidly pressed by her former underling, George Stephanopoulos.
But, she did hint at what her administration would be like:
“If it (our Second Amendment) is a Constitutional right… “
Her use of the hypothetical indicates she doesn’t believe it is an individual right at all, even though clearly stated in the Constitution and repeatedly confirmed by our Supreme Court.
She completes her sentence with, “… then it, like every other Constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation.”
“Reasonable regulation,” in Democrat-ese, translates in plain English to “ Regulated out of existence,” much they way they’re currently “regulating” our coal industry!
She then disdainfully talks about American gun-owners, that hated minority (like doctors, private-sector employers, et al) and the rights of “the rest of us” to be free from them and their guns, piously proclaiming that she is, of course, far too pure to ever be a gun-owner herself, failing to mention that she is surrounded continuously by a virtual army of heavily-armed bodyguards, none of whom would be restrained in the slightest by restrictive legislation she intends to inflict on “the rest of us.”
She also fails to mention that she is depending upon our ever-expanding, ever-emboldened criminal-class to visit fear and desperation on “the rest of us,” including gun-owners, in order to promote dependancy and anxiety, thus generating sympathy for further erosion of our individual rights and freedoms, and keeping leftists in power forever, which is all they really care about.
For example, liberals hypocritically lament about the current off-the-chart rate of violent crime in Chicago, but those same liberals are the very ones currently in power there, and they do nothing, because that is the way the like it!
That is the same reason HBO ( Hussein Barack Obama), with HRC’s approval, is currently releasing legions of convicted violent felons from prison, always under the blatantly false pretense of some previous “injustice” and other cynical trumpery.
They want them out there committing violent crimes!
Our current open borders allow Mexican drug cartels to operate freely, causing a profound, violent crime-wave in AZ, CA, and states as far away as OH. Any yet, nothing is done. Once again, that is the way they want it!
Even mentioning the foregoing is, of course non-PC, and will thus get you severely censured as a “racist,” “ _____ phobe,” et al, even accused of a crime in some places!
Yes, our First-Amendment rights are next on their list!
Pastor Martin Niemöller wrote about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis’ rise to power in Germany in the 1930s, and the subsequent “purging” of selected minorities, group after group. Always with the willing complicity of the media, selected minorities were accused of disloyalty, and the regime said it was therefore okay, even proper, to hate them. Then, when they were subsequently rounded-up and murdered, the cowardly media looked the other way, or pretended it was not happening.
Had he lived in Russia, Niemöller would have written the same thing about Joe Stalin’s regime, or Pol Pot’s in Cambodia, or a thousand other conceited, paranoid monsters who first disarmed their opponents, then isolated them, then murdered them!
… by the trainload!
“Armed prophets are victorious, while unarmed ones have been destroyed. Before all else, be armed!” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent and unlawful lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance, if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or inactions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:
HRC the Original Pants Suit Presumptive Nominee always wears outfits from the
Kim Jung Un Dictator Collection, hand picked by Huma Abedin.
That’s so they can hide the ‘body armor’ she’s wearing. Just look at the picture above. LOL
I did not like her and her so called hubby when his was governor , and to this date still do not like her!!! Remember the whitewater , when he was in office. That told me right then and there they both could not be trusted. Okay i will say this to you Clinton , you have no right to dictate to me what i can do and can not do!!! You can not and will not take my God given and Constitutional rights away whatsoever!!!!! I am the only one who sees fit on what i can and cannot… Read more »
Anyone that doesn’t see what is going on with the liberal agenda is far to stupid for words!
The Constitutional right to ‘due process’ is in danger when the Federal government starts putting people on ‘secret lists’ based on suspicion. Doesn’t it sound like something they do in North Korea?
I think and feel any one in the government who does not adhere to there oath or attack the constitution should be lose there secret service protection and be fired, or empeached or just plain driven out of office. These people have there own agendas and have ceased working for the people who put them there. Let them see how us the common citizens have to cope with trying to protect our selves with our hands tied behind our backs because of there stupidity and self centerness. So come one and all of you voting public and let rally at… Read more »
I agree. Government officials/employees who abrogate their oaths of responsibility should have their traitorous asses unceremoniously bounced across the parking lot… complete with loss of benefits/retirement… in order to allow responsible adults to address current issues.
It is estimated that, in the 20th century, 200 to 260 million people were liquidated by their own governments, after first being disarmed. The biggest perpetrators were the former Soviet Union, and Red China, as well as many more, including Nazi Germany. Don’t think it could happen here? History says you are naive to think that way. Just ask the Native American!
Source…Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership. Please download the movie “Innocence Betrayed.’
She has no comprehension of the Constitution . She did arm mideast terrorists.
Hillary Clinton you are the Worst person for Black people, I am Black and I hate you Hillary Clinton, you will continue arresting black people just like your husband. Liar Liar Hillary Clinton you are a true Crier that will lead American people into the Fryer.
Where’s the proof you know who wants to abolish free speech?
That’s what the bull dyke wants to do ! It won’t,but that’s what it wants to do !
JVJ – have you seen what the DOJ is doing? If not get out of the liberal blogs and read the news!!!