Horrific Car Attack Targeting Jews In Jerusalem Injures At Least Three People ~ VIDEO


Update, from a friend in Israel:

“What has saved many innocent Jewish lives in the past manifested itself, once again, yesterday:

‘Terrorist weapons that are poorly made, poorly maintained’

Two teenage Islamic terrorists drive a car directly into a group of Jews congregated near a synagogue, then they crash their vehicle into a parked car.

Three among the standing are injured, but no fatalities.

Terrorists then jump from their disabled vehicle and attempt to gun-down the injured, and other survivors. For this task, terrorists try to use a Palestinian (home-industry manufactured) ‘Carlo,’ probably 9mm

‘Carlo’ is slang for ‘Carl Gustaf M/45 SMG,’ otherwise known as the ‘Swedish K.’ It’s a simple blow-back SMG, dating from WWII. Relatively easy to manufacture, it was later officially copied by S&W and called the ‘M76,’ and was used by US forces for a time. But, it was/is also extensively copied illegally, including today in clandestine Palestinian workshops. Most such copies are crude and unreliable, as was the case here.

Terrorists routinely select Orthodox Jews (easily identifiable by their dress) for lethal attack, because Orthodox Jews are unlikely to carry guns (while many of us ‘regular Jews’ do)

However, the two terrorists in this case are unable to get their Carlo running, despite enthusiastic efforts, so no shots were fired. The Carlo was dropped shortly thereafter, and the terrorists ran away (only to be captured an hour later)

As is so often the case, these Orthodox Jews, specifically selected for victimization, lived through this attack only due to incompetence on the part of their attackers, and the system that enables them!

Meanwhile (for the rest of us), Israeli Firearms Licenses are good for three years. During year two, one must attend a ‘Refresher Course.’ The wait to get into a Refresher Course is now considerable, because of the current upsurge (owing to recent events)

A precious few of us have Rifle Licenses. Backup for that Refresher Course is now four months, but the deadline has been extended, because of a crush in applications (as you might imagine).”

My Comment:

Back over here, Jewish students at Ivy League Universities are being threatened with death, to the point where many are departing the campus, for their own safety.

Violent, anti-Jewish [pro-plaistine] riots (described as “mostly peaceful” by AOC and other Democrats) are simultaneously erupting on university campuses across the nation.

We’ve never before seen anything like this in America!

This is starting to remind many, including me, of Germany in 1938!

Will we have to wait much longer for “Kristallnacht?”

Evangelism: “The Art of winning converts to your way. The ‘Art of Persuasion’”

Politics: “The Art of getting your way, without winning converts. The exercise of coercion”


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam
John Farnam
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Dindunuffins Shekelstein

OY VEY… Rev 3:9


You betcha! Also see The Gospel of John 8:44 to 48. Christ called them what they were and still are…’The children of Satan the Devil.’ Who am I to argue with My Lord and Savior!?!

Last edited 11 days ago by hippybiker
Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Talmud: Gitten 57a


Things are indeed getting bad. I never thought I would see the sorts of things happen in this country that are happening today. I also remember reading magazine articles showing Israeli school teachers carrying Uzis and women shopping with M16 rifles. They lost the lesson of Gideon. You don’t put down your spears, ever!


or col. jeff cooper… “the pistol is what you use to fight your way back to the rifle you never should have put down.”

yes TGP they are getting bad. and bound to go worse. arm up. practice. carry on. keep mum if and when you have to.


Mathew 24

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Diversity is our strength. Open borders for Israel.


Years ago, I often heard people say, “That could never happen here (in the U.S.).” That was also at a time when people regularly said, “It’s a free country.” I always thought that America would stay a free country, simply because of how precious freedom is, the greatest hope of all humanity, but that has been slipping rapidly through our fingers. But as for what “can’t” happen in America, one needs only realize that humans are ultimately as evil here as they are anywhere. The deciding question is whether enough people in this country will insist on being as good… Read more »




If one ever had a doubt about how thoroughly the Marxist progs have infiltrated the ranks of teachers and professors, the latest outpouring of anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions seen at our most “prestigious” colleges and universities should be a shining light on that reality. Current policies and movements happening in these colleges and universities are entirely too reminiscent of the early stages of Nazi Germany. From the elimination of the nuclear family and religion, to the elimination of “God-given rights” and substitution of “state authorized rights,” the progs have planned this takeover and are being entirely too successful at its… Read more »

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

LOL… Rev 3:9

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Remind me again of what kind of books they were burning in Not See Germany? Here’s a hint-Magnus Hershfield.


Ouuu. I saw the downvote. The leftists democraps must be out in full force today. Brought you up to zero.
The truth really pisses them off. Expect it to get worse the closer we get to election day.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

LOL… it’s da leftist democraps I tell ya. Ok boomer.


Yeah, there’s a serious amount of stupid out there. And a lot of unwarranted hate. Some folk forget that Jesus was Jewish.


That’s why I have such a hard time understanding why so many hate the Jew’s so even they call and refer to themselves as. I like Jewish people.

From my dabbling in it, all I can figure out is that it says in the Koran that we are not supposed to charge interest on money’s loaned but they do and I think that is where it stems from. We all know how much the Muslims love the Jewish people.


awaiting. It’s part history and I believe it to be the truth.


Some also forget that He was/is God!


And there is the ultimate truth.



Wild Bill

Yes, and some people forget that Haym Salomon, a Jewish merchant in New York City, in 1778, GAVE his entire fortune of $350,000 to the Continental Army at a time when the Continental Congress would not fund the Continental Army. George Washington credited Salomon with saving the Army, the revolution, and the thirteen states.
Please see “Guts and Glory of the American Revolution” by B. Thompson at page 218.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

LOL…. From the Talmud: Gitten 57a


my response that was held just posted to you.

Get Out

At least the police are cracking down and arresting some of these violent protestors.


This is true. However the rot that we see started with that fat assed puke in Ferguson. That is, with rioting. The antisemitism is in the schools as you said.


I still contend that all rioters should be shot! No equivocation!


It’s those fully automatic transmissions, I tell you. No one needs more than 4 forward gears.


I sometimes miss my 4-speed Muncie M21. But I love my 6 speed Tremec


I looked up this transmission and the price is about the same, maybe a grand more in some instances but with a lifetime warranty? Priceless.

I’m glad my Cummins has a automatic in my pickup but I would love to have 7 forward like I do in my motorhome.
This is a definite upgrade for a clutch system. I wonder if the ratio is the same as when you put a split shift on the tail shaft of your auto or stick trans or better. Fuel milage is king in my books.


My six speed manual is fine behind my baby Cummins in my Dodge Ram. But now, we only have an 11000 pound trailer to pull. We don’t even know that camper is behind the truck.


Personally, I enjoyed 18 forward gears with my 600 hp 2050 ft lb. of torque large car.


Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Last edited 13 days ago by slipkid
F Riehl, Editor in Chief

I doubt he would know where to look it up and your comment is only confusing to him.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

I’m sure he knows Yalkut 245c.


Thanks for the learning lesson. Looked it up as I did not know it existed. No wonder there is such turmoil when it comes to the existence of Christians.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

gtvflyers dot com.


Wow, you are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff. I don’t surf the web or youtube. I use it for knowledge to fix things most of the time or check out what is best before I buy it and seldom look up crap because I am never sure if it is fake news or not. I’d rather not fill my head with lies like the FBI is concerned that the racist white supremacists are going to join up with the Muslim brotherhood and HamASS in attacks on American soil? LOL That tells me the FBI knows about as… Read more »

Wild Bill

Oh, thank you EIC.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

The goyim know… OY VEY… Shut it down… it’s annudah shoah.


Worlds most moral army

UN raises ‘war crime’ alert as 300+ bodies are found in Gaza mass graves
Discovery of hundreds of bodies of Palestinians at Nasser and Shifa hospitals, with some victims stripped naked and their hands tied, sparks renewed concerns from UN, with rights chief calling the situation in Israel-besieged Gaza “beyond warfare”.


Oh well. Attack the bull and get the horns.


That doesn’t sound like an IDF tactic.


IDF’s the bull. Hamas gets the horns.


The naked and tied hands sounds fair to me, all things considered. The good ones were told to GTFO. Hamas hid behind a bunch of them so what to do? If someone’s shooting at me, someone in front of him will go down with him. As long as they’re not family.