Internal FBI Documents Expand on RMVEs and Other Domestic Terrorists

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Internal FBI Documents Expand on RMVEs and Other Domestic Terrorists

In the last article on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response by the FBI provided to AmmoLand News by Gun Owners of America (GOA), the FBI is worried about so-called racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) teaming up with Islamic foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) to bring chaos to the homeland. This article is going to dive into who the FBI thinks are RMVEs and who else the federal enforcement agency considers to be domestic terrorists.

As reported here, the FBI states that RMVEs are white nationalists and white supremacists. The documents don’t list any other races with the RMVE title. The FBI states that “hate is not a crime” and says it cannot investigate First Amendment-protected speech but then claims that the RMVEs “are responsible for the most lethal attacks.” The document claims that many of the RMVEs are domestic terrorists. Some other examples of domestic terrorists the Bureau gives in the document are anti-government and anti-authority extremists (AGAAVE).

The FBI says that RMVEs are targeting racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. It says that historically, RMVEs acted within nationalized, hierarchical groups, but recently, attacks have transitioned to decentralized lone offenders or small cells. The FBI says these attacks are often against soft targets like religious facilities. Many times, these locations are “gun-free” zones, leaving the partitioners unable to defend themselves.

The government is also concerned that manifestos posted online and “ideologically-driven” websites are radicalizing Americans to become RMVEs. Some examples of manifestos on the FBI list are 2083, Siege, and The Great Replacement. The websites it lists are Fascist Forge and the Atomwaffen Division’s website.

One group that the FBI is concerned with is the California-based Rise Against Movement (RAM). The group formed out of the neo-NAZI skinhead movement. The group shares members with other NAZI groups like Patriot Front and the former Identify Evropa. The group’s members have also traveled to other countries, such as Ukraine, to network with groups like the Ukraine-based “Azov Movement.”

The FBI says that the federal law enforcement agency to investigate domestic terrorism requires the existence of a potential federal violation, the unlawful use of force or violence, and the existence of ideological motivation. Out of these domestic terrorists, the FBI seems to be more worried about “lone offender attacks” than an organized attack from a domestic terrorist group. The government agency says the primary tool for lone wolf attackers is firearms.

The FBI claims that there have been 21 attacks between 2015 and 2019. The FBI lists 74 deaths at the hands of these attackers. In addition to the murders, the FBI also listed 120 arrests of domestic terrorists in 2018. Interestingly, the FBI included the arrest of suspected domestic terrorists for charges such as fraud, drug offenses, and probation violations.

RMVEs are not the only groups that the FBI is concerned about being domestic terrorists. Other threats, according to the FBI, include AGAAVE, which includes anarchist extremism, militia extremism, animal rights/environmental extremism, and abortion extremism. The FBI also mentions Sovereign citizens and highlights their frivolous legal filings and financial schemes.

Pro-life lone offenders are the “greatest threat,” according to the FBI. It says that abortion providers are at risk of violence by these people. It also highlights property destruction and arson by the pro-life side. In addition to the pro-life crowd, the FBI is worried about what it calls involuntary celibate violent extremism (IVE) by so-called “incels.” Incels are men that blame women for “denying them sexual and romantic attention.” The FBI believes this group is the most likely to carry out a mass casualty event.

The FBI claims that these domestic terrorists are using social media and encrypted chat platforms to communicate with other like-minded individuals. People concerned about government snooping use encrypted communications apps like Signal to protect their communications from the federal government’s watchful eye. Others have used apps like Telegram because they falsely believe it is encrypted by default. The FBI believes that using encryption technologies is one of its most significant challenges when monitoring these groups.

In the next article, we will look at the FBI’s investigations into anti-fascist and anti-racist violence before covering the FBI’s take on clashes between anti-fascist and right-wing groups.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. Mr. Crump has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump

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I think the FBI is losing their marbles. Do you guys remember when they investigated BLM, Anifta, and the Mexican cartels? Yeah, me neither.


BLM, Antifa don’t meet the profile that the fbi want to pursue.


you are a terrorist if you think the Constitution means you have rights…

2A Gun Guy

Is the FBI Paranoid? Seems like it.


And resident “bite me” is planning to bring in palestinians from gaza to replace these “domestic terrorists”
Fu#k the resident, the congress and the senate. Who would sell us out if not our alleged “representatives”.

Anyone else feeling like an unrepresented…….”American”?


I just saw that on the news. Only a fool would repeat the same mistake more than twice and the smart ones learn the first time. Omar was supposed to be a political refugee from Somalia via mom and dad.

Look what that has gotten us. Talib is no better. They all say death to Israel and back the hamASS terrorists. How the hell they can stay in congress I don’t understand.


2A Gun Guy

The only RMVE”S are the Democrats. They are Destroying America.


What do you call a group who walk around carrying badges and cause a fedsurrection but blame gun owning American patriots? Or that plan to kidnap a Michigan governor but blame some lackeys they conned into coming to one of their planning sessions? Or that bring a 200 member SWAT team to arrest a 80 year old grandma at 2am for standing in front of an abortion clinic? …while 20 million invaders walk right under their nose while they are staking out American citizens. The answer is: The tyrannical and traitorous henchmen who carry water for deep state billionaires who… Read more »

Last edited 18 days ago by CBW

And Antifags and BLM are just peaceful protestors, right? Ever hear of the Black Panther Party or Los Vagos or La eMe or Los Santos? All the mexican gangs that run parts of Los Angeles. Ya that’s right they run it just like the muslims run towns and sections in Minnesota?

Nope, all them people be good little protesters not terrorists! Right!!!!!!!!!
Uncle joe seems to think that BLM and Antifags are more of an idea, not a terrorist organization. Ya right joe, cant wait till your ass is gone.


Trump 2024


Don’t forget SDS, SLA, and especially the communist ARU (Armed Resistance Unit a.k.a Resistance Conspiracy, that bombed the U.S. Senate, Fort McNair, and the Washington Navy Yard.) No doubt about it, the left (including the National Socialist German Workers’ Party wannabees) is far more violent than the political right.


they are setting things up so the government can attack us when we defend ourselves from the scum they are bringing in


we are of the same opinion and those that are enlightened enough to see what is happening and put two and two together will see the same picture. It takes some longer than others.

Some see it before it happens.
Some see it after it happens to them.
Some say, what the hell just happened.


Please remember the above when it comes time to vote. The Communist Party takes power by stealing election. They first corrupt the election process with idealogues in positions of power. Look at all the money Soros and Bloomberg have spent getting their people in positions to affect elections, such as Secretaries of State, Governors, county election officials, judges, DA’s and prosecutors. They can then ignore election laws and accept illegal ballots. If you think for one minute that you have Representatives in Washington at the House of Senate, you are very likely wrong. There are literally hundreds of organizations dedicated… Read more »


Caution re Alphabet Boys’ claims and targets. They aren’t our friends any more. People control is their goal, crime control is their cover. They are apt to sweep America-loving, gun loving patriots into their executions.


The FBI (Federal Bureau of Idiots) is making up threats to justify their existence and to curry favor with their masters in the democrat/socialist/progressive party. There are very few white supremacist’s groups left in America. The neo-Nazis and KKK are withering away. It is highly doubtful that any white supremacist group would ever ally themselves with Islamists as the two are polar opposites. This is fantasy nonsense that the Feds are spinning to please their masters and justify their huge budgets.


The FBI and BATFE are the ones to be Investigated and removed as Useless.


The first of these white extremist protests I personally recall was the Watts Riots in Los Angeles so many years ago. I remember all those white people rampaging through their upscale L.A. neighborhood, tearing up the only grocery stores and mini-marts serving them just for the sake of white supremacy. IN OPPOSITE WORLD!!!


The FIB and the AFT should be merged so that we can disband both of them at the same time!