America: Who’s Country Is It?


  • Government vs. People: The U.S. government has usurped power from its citizens, undermining the principle that it operates with the consent of the governed.

  • Armed Sovereignty: The true ownership of America lies with its armed citizens, and that sovereignty is based on armed power rather than democratic governance.

  • Narrow Definition of “True Americans”: It is time to exclude those who criticize the nation’s policies and symbols from being considered “True Americans” and drive out the democratic ideal of an inclusive citizenship that embraces “diverse” [aka unAmerican] viewpoints.

III% United Patriots
United Patriots

America: Whose Country is it, anyway? If you were to ask the average American that question, he or she would be apt to look at you quizzically or, perhaps, even angrily, as if it were a nonsensical question.

If he responded, he would likely testily say: “America belongs to me and to you—all of us—the American people,” and he would probably expect you to leave the matter at that.

But is the answer really so cut and dry? And, if it were true once, a long time ago, is it still true today?

Does America not belong to the Federal Government rather than to the people? Have not the American people, through their consent to be governed by it, capitulated to it when that Federal Government, through the power it has wrongly usurped from the people and accumulated through time and now exerts over the people, makes abundantly clear that they have little, if any, say over what the Government does, ostensibly in their name?

Isn’t it vacuous quibbling to say that the Country belongs to the people if they have little or no appreciable control over what the Government does, operating, more often than not, against the interests of the people and contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution?

If the Country does belong to “The People,” then who are these People to whom America belongs?

The People To Whom America Belongs Are The Citizenry. More To The Point, The People To Whom America Belongs Are The Armed Citizenry.

The Second Amendment of the Nation’s Bill of Rights clarifies that America belongs to the people, to “The Common Man.”

And the armed citizenry is, then, “the common man.” The government operates solely at the pleasure of the common man, who remains sole sovereign over the government and enforces his sovereignty, if necessary, through the arms he bears. That is self-evident, true.

But there is another assumption made here.

The assumption is that the American people cherish the Nation’s rich history, heritage, culture, ethos, and Judeo-Christian ethic, which values the sanctity and inviolability of the individual over the collective will of the State.

They have a vested interest in the well-being of their Country and desire to maintain it as the Founders, America’s First Patriots, intended.

Now, some in the electorate take exception to that description. They may retort,

“Well, does not that ‘Common Man’ include a person—

  • Who expresses marked disdain for the Constitution and for our fundamental, unalienable, unmodifiable, eternal Natural Law Rights, and
  • Who exhibits unblemished, raw, rabid hatred for our Nation’s sacred emblems, monuments, statues, and art, and demonstrates abject loathing for the American Flag and for the Country it represents, and
  • Who has shown visible contempt for our Free Republic, and
  • Who unceremoniously pulls down our Nation’s Flag, tramples upon it, burns it, mocks it, and disgracefully, reprehensibly bends a knee, lowers his head, and contemptuously raises arm and fist in the air when the National Anthem plays, and the Flag is raised high, and
  • Who actively, avidly calls for our Nation’s destruction, its utter annihilation, all the while unabashedly embracing our Nation’s enemies and their goals and causes?

Are we to say that, for such a person, such an “American,” this Country is his Country, too, notwithstanding he declares his unbridled hatred of America?

No! America is not his Country!

America is not his Country because that person has rejected America by his own words and actions. He has renounced it, disowned it.

This may not have the effect of a formal renunciation. There is a legal process for that.

But it is a worse situation for everyone when a person who abhors America remains in it, keeping his status of “citizen” and, in fact, relying on it but for an evil purpose: Destruction of the Country from within.

Thus, This Country, The United States Of America——

  • Does Not belong to a person, a citizen, who spurns it, who contemptuously disowns it and applauds its ruin, and who actively, avidly works to wrench America from the hands of those True Americans who cherish Their Country, who seek to preserve and strengthen it in accordance with the tenets, precepts, and principles of Individualism upon which the Nation’s Framers and First Patriots conceived and constructed this Nation.
  • Does Not belong to the noncitizen.
  • Does Not belong to the Federal Government, or to any Government, or to the powerful, ruthless elites that rule over America in the shadows.
  • Does Not belong to an angry, mindless mob that—psychologically conditioned to run amok like zombies at the Beck and Call of the powerful, ruthless forces that dare to crush our Country and its people— is delusional, unaware of being useful idiots, mere puppets on a string, responding through emotion, not from reason, when “triggered” to do so through manipulation of language.

The “common man” who cherishes his country is in imminent danger of losing the whole of it to those in league with the shadowy forces intent on dismantling it, utilizing the lucrative parts of it for their own nefarious purposes.

The True Owners of America, the Citizenry that loves and cherishes the Country—the American Patriot—must contend with this. That person must never allow him or herself to rest easy. America’s Patriots must never take the good fortune of their American citizenship for granted.

Before our Country, the Free Republic, existed, a Tyranny ruled an inchoate America. America’s First Patriots took up arms against George III’s tyranny and the Central Bank of England and successfully defeated them.

Even then, before the creation of a Free Constitutional Republic, some “Americans” actively fought against America’s First Patriots or otherwise did nothing to assist them in their just cause, fighting for liberty and freedom against tyranny.

At the time, these other false Americans were variously referred to as “Tories,” “Royalists,” Or “Loyalists.” For these people, the concepts of freedom and liberty were never in their hearts. They were never Americans, and America never belonged to them. Many of them left for Canada or England at the conclusion of the American Revolution.

Almost two hundred and fifty years later, another group of people seek to destroy America, and this time, from within. This group is aptly referred to today as “The Radical Left,” enabled and funded by their Deep State masters.

These dangerous, fervidly passionate fanatics of Collectivism, all of whom flock to the banner of Anti-American causes and goals, use the English language to confound and mislead uninformed citizens who do not keep abreast of the news and who have little understanding of and little appreciation for our Nation’s rich history and heritage.

Uninformed Americans have degenerated into naïve pawns. They have been seduced by incessant, noxious messaging to accede to socio-political positions that operate against their best interests, against the best interests of their Countrymen, and against the best interests of the Nation.

It is amazing how the Radical Left—that populates, in significant numbers, our public, quasi-public, and private institutions—contort and distort the English Language to assist them in accomplishing their terrible objectives.

Yet, the appalling end goal this obstreperous dangerous group has in mind flies past the radar of otherwise rational, intelligent, and astute Americans, despite the evidence smacking them in the face from direct observation and modest reflection on the nature of what they observe.

The Radical Left’s penultimate goal is the elimination of the United States as a Free Constitutional Republic and, in so doing, subverting the sovereignty of the citizenry over the Government.

To attain this goal, the Radical Left designs and implements an array of strategies designed to undermine and eventually eradicate the social, political, economic, philosophical, and moral-ethical underpinnings of a Free Republic as envisioned and crafted by the Nation’s Founders.

Creating a new nation—one where the people themselves, “The Common Man,” would reign supreme over government—was a novel concept for the time and remains unique today. Yet it is an idea antithetical and abhorrent to the powerful elite of all Western nations or empires, the Neoliberal Globalists and Internationalist Marxists.

After the loss of the American colonies in the American Revolution, the puppet masters—not accustomed to defeat, especially at the hands of a seemingly ragtag, although determined and sizable armed force, America’s First Patriots (those who refused to bow to Tyranny)—went earnestly back to their drawing boards and devised a new plan to destroy a nascent Country whom they correctly surmised would one day rise to greatness. They sought to prevent that from happening.

The new plan would take time to produce the desired results—decades, even centuries—but the puppet masters, and those who would come after, were in no hurry. Even as the United States prospered and grew in power both economically and militarily, these cold, callous, calculating beings had sown the seeds of strife in America, that would, in time, bear poisonous fruit.

The Globalist elite empire builders, through their underlings, have quietly commandeered all of the Country’s major institutions, including the Federal Government itself.

They would create a schism among Americans. They would promulgate and propagate alien dogmas designed to promote squabbling and enmity among Americans.

What had begun as a slow but inexorable process in the late Eighteenth Century had slowly gained speed, becoming an unstoppable juggernaut by the early decades of the Twenty-First Century. That came to a screeching halt for a time, during Donald Trump’s Presidency.

But, with the corrupt, demented, dementia-riddled, emotionally and physically fragile puppet, Joe Biden, ushered into the Executive Suite of the White House through the illegal manipulation and corruption of the electoral process, the puppet masters were back on track. They worked feverishly, at lightning speed, to undo all the work that Trump had accomplished taking our Country back to its roots.

America has reached a crisis point with the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election looming.

Which Way Will The Country Turn?

Will it turn back to its roots, strengthening and preserving the Republic, or will it fall to the aims of the radical left, resulting in the dissolution of the Republic and the subjugation of the American Citizenry?

Hopefully, the integrity of our Nation’s electoral system in 2024 will remain intact. If so, it is difficult to believe that a majority of the electorate would opt to vote for Biden to serve a second term, given the horrible mess that he and his Administration have wrought both by design and gross incompetence during this first term.

And if Trump does get back into Office in 2024—to complete a second term that had wrongfully been denied him in 2020—he and we have our work cut out for us to get the Country back on track.

Trump will be better able now to avoid the snares set for him, and we, for our part, would do well to keep our firearms close at hand and our powder dry. There will be a backlash. You can count on that, courtesy of the puppet masters and their minions.

Read Related:  New York: A Cesspool Of Loyalists To The Crown Seeded the Anti-2nd Amendment Zealots of Today

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

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Nice article that tells the truth. We the People need to take our country back and make America Great Again. These leftists want nothing less than the destruction of our country as it was founded and we know it. This election, we will take America back because when Trump wins, the left will begin it’s peaceful protests again and I think it will be handled different than it was in the past. The police are already starting to make a statement in protection of property, removing occupational flags on American soil and raising the American flag high and proud and… Read more »

Get Out

Hopefully trump and his co-conspirators will have actual proof that there was election fraud this time around should he lose again, we’re still waiting for proof from the 2020 election lies. Wonder if he’ll try the fake elector scheme again?

Last edited 15 days ago by Get Out

Lol, obviously we both have differing opinions. Instead of argue something neither of us have control over I will wait until the election is over.

Trump/Noem 2024


Dog killer , Noem who killed the anti trans bill and is invested in carbon pipelines ?

You love being gang banged

Roland T. Gunner

Just say NO to Noem.


I just cant do that, especially when I look at my other choices for a woman VP but your phrase is smart and catchy.

Get Out

Concur, just wish there was someone else besides these two choices.


LOL, if you are like me, you always wished all your voting life that there was someone else besides the two choices. I wanted the “if there is a problem, we will lift up the hood, find out what’s wrong and fix it” guy but he dropped out. Probably a good thing he did. Ross Perot.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Yea, 2000 Mules sure wasn’t proof. The fact Chairman Xiden couldn’t fill a walk in closet at his gatherings wasn’t proof. The recent survey of voters that showed 17% cheated wasn’t proof. The fact that the day Trump was allowed back on X Chairman Xiden had 31 million followers and Trump had none, but 8 days later had Trump 82 million, naaaa, that’s not proof. The 90 mile long “Trump train” in Arizona isn’t any kind of proof. The boat armada in New York harbor that was so packed people couldn’t move without bumping each other is no proof. It… Read more »

Debunked lie, quick explanation is because the drop boxes were placed in public places (Look it up) where the public had total access to them which included anyone and everyone conducting all manner of business or just passing by in the immediate vicinity and cell data couldn’t be verified of any fraud.

The US Capitol is an open and large area where cell data could be verified inside and out. BTW, most of those insurrectionist buffoons attacking the US Capitol took video of people committing violence and of themselves committing crimes.


trump was the inspiration behind Johnsons betrayal of the American people, you clowns love the Uniparty

Roland T. Gunner

Don’t they though?


Get Out, why are you reading this news commentary if you believe the mainstream news propaganda? Wouldn’t it be better to go back to PBS and MSNBC to hear what you want to hear?

Get Out

We’ve been waiting for anyone associated in trumps circle of liars to provide proof of 2020 election fraud, ballot stuffing etc. because it’s obvious trump and his co-conspirators doesn’t have any. But there is ample proof trump tried to steal the election with multi-state fake elector’s scheme.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

GOOD LUCK without the other half of the 2nd amendment being in force and effect. There is no WE the people. We the people died in 1916. It’s just you against all of THEM. Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 WordsWhy We Need our State 2nd Amendment Militias back in Force and Effect

Bill M

To bring back the rights the constitutions claim to secure to the citizens of the states, the American public must understand who their true enemy is. It turns out the true enemy includes every judge in every state. It is they that agreed to bring federal communism into the states and make it the default system of law.

Law Truth * Conspiracy Of Treason in Courts This tells the ugly truth about the current courts.


The link says no page found.


government of the people, by the people, for the people
has been replaced with
“the bureaucracy, by the force of government, against the people”


It’s a hostile, alien-like system in command right now. As it dies it means to wreck everything in sight before it goes.


It breaks my heart to agree with you. But I fear you are right.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

It sure is looking that way isn’t it.


Yes sir, the soap box, the ballot box, and the final box, the cartridge box!


Nothing “final” about that box except where you chose to spend eternity.


Box #3 of the 4 traditional boxes is the jury box. More recently I added a 5th though it is so obvious that others likely preceded me: the pine box.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

The Jury box should be in there, but that’s a joke. As well as the soap box with censorship and the ballot box with the cheating. The cartridge box and the war of the flea is about to happen.


finally the truth of the matter is out there. i hope and pray this is what the mind set of patriotic Americans really is because this is the only way America remains free and sovereign. the criminal dumb as craps need to be punished and severely for trying to destroy the greatest nation this world has seen.


at the end of the war between the states the democrats said the would destroy the union and they are

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

“In general, however, it should never be forgotten that the highest purpose of human existence is not the preservation of a state or even that of a government, but the preservation of their kind.”


American’s have forgotten, that it is not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country. (cliché I know, but true) America citizens are complacent sheep and are in dire need of a shepherd, to lead them back to what it means, to be an American. Hopefully Donald J. Trump is that shepherd. I just prey he focuses on getting the country back to its former glory, and doesn’t make revenge his top priority. otherwise he will be no better than the administration, that cheated him from his second term to begin with.


i can’t guarantee anything, but if he were to try and get revenge IMO it would be Hitlary Cliton. He let her slide. I really believe that the country’s welfare is his first and foremost concern getting our economy back and then our sovereignty.

Trump/Noem 2024


If they steal the 2024 election, the fun will begin. And there will be no safe place for a Communist Democrat globalist. Anywhere.


Some said the same when they stole 2020 and 2022 midterms. The republic died Jan 7, 2021 when congress certified a fraudulent election and installed a geriatric dementia patient puppet. Rampant cheating, ballot stuffing, state legislation on elections being ignored, courts approving mail in fraud, yet no one did anything to defend the Constitution and our rights. People will keep being abused until they stand up and stop it, and that won’t happen till they feel they have no choice.

Last edited 15 days ago by Arizona
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

That won’t happen until we ban together and get the FIRST 13 WORDS of the 2nd AMENDMENT BACK IN EFFECT. Why is that so had to understand?

Get Out

The truth still exists, trump, his co-conspirators, lawyers or his fake electors can’t provide any proof of 2020 election fraud. But there is proof trump, his co-conspirators, lawyers and his fake electors are or have been sued, prosecuted, indicted or being indicted and incarcerated for 2020 election fraud.


Before anyone jumps on the rebellion bandwagon, read up on the Whisky Rebellion and Shay’s Rebellion. Early in our nation’s history, Americans attempted armed rebellion over perceived wrongs. Read how our government dealt with those rebellions a long time ago. Many modern Americans are ill-equipped, mentally AND physically, to attempt an insurrection. That means a small percentage of Americans will be doing all the heavy lifting. Informants, better known as snitches or rats, will be widespread and will have to be dealt with decisively. Know what it means that you are committing to before you commit to such an arduous… Read more »


The battle of Athens provides an instance of success. Their opponents, though, weren’t as numerous or technologically advanced as the tyrants we currently suffer.


Funny, my German mother who suffered WWII at the age of 13 used to say the same thing. There is one difference between us and the Germans though. We still have our guns and we are already fighting to keep them on multiple fronts. Germans laid down their guns for a safer society which is what we all want, but history has taught those of us that were educated before the 80s that giving up your gun, is giving away your freedom. Some of us are smart enough to have learned something. Learn by others mistakes and pay attention to… Read more »

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

“Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron, and doesn’t exist. Anyone that claims to be “judeo-christian” should just go worship at a synagogue. Antisemitism bills? So much for free speech. Look to whom you are not allowed to criticize to see who truly rules over you. Look who is funding all of the NGOs pushing for open borders in traditionally White countries. Open borders for Israel, diversity is our strength. GTVFLYERS dot COM. o/

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

So now what? We all become one men armies against 100 man armies? Or 1000 man armies? When will Arbalest and all the half 2nd amendment supporters on Youtube as well as FPC, GOA, NRA and all the other half second amendment supporters start PUSHING FOR THE FIRST 13 WORDS TO GET BACK IN EFFECT. Without them, we’re just plain screwed. Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 WordsEven the commenters on here as a whole are HALF second amendment supporters. WHY? Referred to in modern times as an individual’s right to carry and use arms for self-defense, the Second Amendment was… Read more »

Last edited 14 days ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

By force doesn’t mean voting in an angry mood.
Like many of today’s men, we’ve lost our balls.
Just give your guns up now, for none of you are willing to fight. And as the political henchmen of government, the ATF, will only kill us one at a time and eliminate us will no resistance.


Its quite simple. Knowing the Communist Deep has established national tyranny, sabotoged the electoral process, undermined a standing president Donald Trump, established a coup against the same president by way of an insurgent SecDef and JCS Head and Intelligencia, has violated the US constitution as if it were toilet paper, and has opened the national borders to enemy agents and saboteurs and cartels. I would say the day of an armed revolt against the Communist Obama Biden Regime is long overdue. The Supreme Court has also joined with the Communist Executive Branch. Hollywood, Wall Street, and most US States are… Read more »


Mao was partially right…”All power (and Freedom….he ignored this part) comes from the barrel of a gun.” The WHY of the Lefturds’ anti-gun fetish for We The Little Peeps.

Bill M

I am a long time legal and constitutional researcher. Not a self proclaimed scalar. Almost of my knowledge comes from reading SCOTUS cases.

There is a link on Quora that breaks down the guns laws and exposes the high treason the judges are involved in when they impose any gun law on the citizens of the states. Quora is a free question and answer forum.

Law Truth * Gun Rights    This tells the truth in detail about the gun laws.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Imagine thinking we can vote our way out of this…. LOL

Knute Knute

Yep. Like the millions that think Trump will be their “Savior”! They just bleep over the fact that he already had 4 years and was able to change nothing. Zero. But somehow they manage to forget all about those little details. I guess their memories start yesterday, and all else is ancient history…
LOL 😀 🙂


This article is somewhat relevant, but is Boomerish. America is not a Judeo-Christian country. Judaism and Christianity have little in common and are more an anti-thesis of each other than similar. There is nothing at all Judeo about our country, our form of government, our people, our ethics, our religion, our values, or anything else. All of that is in opposition to Judaism. Stop being an heretical Judazier, and stop subverting the founding principles of this nation and its founding people.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

But, but, but…don’t you know? The Jews are God’s CHOSEN! Just read Revelation 3 vs 9! That proves it beyond a doubt!

Roland T. Gunner

Your boorish sarcasm is not sppreciated.


Wow talk about anti freedom, authoritarian bs , you’re just as bad as the current uniparty , more speech laws ?

AZ Lefty

Wow more Russian propaganda fore the idiots!

Wild Bill

First, Roger Katz does not need any help from Russians to write an opinion piece. Second, propaganda typically does not use real facts. Katz does.
Your superficial, unsupported one liner makes me think that you did not read the whole piece, but rather fall back on your usual scriptuo continua.A scribler shooting out of the darkness.


Bill,I stopped replying to this morons bullshit several years ago. That just gives him what he wants so I decided to just stop feeding the troll.

Last edited 15 days ago by Ope

He is probably where my down vote came from. Leftists hate the truth.


AZ Lefty, Strange, I don’t recall mentioning “Russia” or even alluding to it. Truthfully, I never even considered Russia as I drafted this AQ article. And FYI, I don’t pull my articles out of a hat. They involve a tremendous amount of work, research, and thought. By the way, I once lived in “AZ” (Arizona) about 25 years ago, a time when the State still projected the values of our Nation’s Founders. That was true once but, unfortunately, no longer when the Californians started moving in, flocking to Scottsdale, naturally. I guess you’re “right at home” there. You’ve got the… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Roger, do one on the first 13 words! I’ve done LOTS of research into it and my post has even been on The Gateway Pundit. Patriots WILL stand TOGETHER if we can get this back in effect. Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words