“When seconds count, police are minutes away” takes over, and the only rational and effective “Action Plan” is “Stop the Threat.”
City’s Coyote Attack Advice Silent on Personal Defense

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
He is a blogger at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. https://waronguns.com/
View all of Davids work by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/q8j9dnf
“When seconds count, police are minutes away” takes over, and the only rational and effective “Action Plan” is “Stop the Threat.”
Throw more money into that? What’s the definition of insanity, again?
It sounds more like reserve “Only Ones,” and Founding era thought leaders weren’t big on “select militias.”
Paul Valone has written a very important primer that helps all of us recognize where we can best fit our talents and goals to beat the control freaks and prohibitionists at their own game…
If only the Founders had conceived of a way that Americans could band together in times of existential threat and to provide for what was “necessary to the security of a free state…”
Top officials, in all branches of government, the police, and the military, are in the pockets of the cartels.
Why are they so desperately angry, ready to drop all pretenses of “friends across the aisle” civility and call for street violence? Against people they’re trying to disarm…?
“This will be a congressional fight, a constitutional fight, a legal fight, and on days like this a street fight…”
Not all of us have the high capacity for swallowing disinformation and utter hogwash we find in the average Giffords supporter.
Trump’s Second Amendment order is a good first step. It’s up to us to keep him on the path and walking in the right direction.
Protecting the right to keep and bear arms requires voting against those who would infringe on it at the ballot box.
Left unsaid is how they intend to disarm those of us they want hanged by the neck until dead.
What wasn’t included was where DOJ gets the authority to create a permanent entry to NICS without a conviction or other disqualifier as defined by law. They’re still not saying.
Rather than heeding reality, expect the junk science purveyors and their elitist-funded “independent” propagandists to continue whining and to resume their politically motivated perversions of medical science.
What that also means is that Menendez, a huge proponent of disarming law-abiding Americans, is designated a “prohibited person,” forbidden by federal (and New Jersey) law from owning a gun.
Not lost on observers was the hypocrisy of the FBI Director, who arrests citizens on federal gun charges, “gifting” a “Tommy Gun” to an Attorney General who prosecutes them…
WA Democrats like Rep. Kristine Reeves don’t demand your guns because they care about you. They truly hate that your GOD given right to keep & bear arms.
Great. Well heeled Vichycons and Fudds are on board with throwing the rest of us under the bus. So, what’s new?
“What are you going to do about it, President Trump?”
I believe in asking political candidates and nominees specific questions that demand unequivocal answers…
The real answer, of course, is with education, not crime and government corruption-enabling coercion.
To paraphrase the hit song title from the last century, what a difference a judge and a president make.
It sure sounds like “seditious conspiracy” to me, but I guess that would have to be decided by the victors…
They are all doable, and none of them will be all-consuming. In any case, there’s no reason why we can’t do more than one, and no real excuse for doing none.
The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around.
The simplest explanation is that YouTube agrees with the gun prohibitionists on zero “tolerance” for young people being anywhere near them.
This is where citizens could really use some of those pledges of Second Amendment protection we heard along the campaign trail from Donald Trump, and from every Republican in Congress who won their seat because of gun owner support.
This is exactly why, unlike some “gunfluencers” who advocate suppressing shooter names, I’m against keeping them held back.
Does anyone who fully understands the issue and the motivations for pushing it really believe this is about safety?
The unfortunate CEO is a bellwether of what’s coming if Marxist citizen disarmers have their way. Elizabeth Warren and fellow gun prohibitionists are clearing that way.