There’s a large population of those people who either want to customize their guns or have guns that need repair. There aren’t a lot of gunsmiths in the United States any more…
Gun Shops
Let Us Try and Explain ATF’s Zero Tolerance Policy ~ SAF Weekly Recap VIDEO
The report revealed that licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) were responsible for only 1.6% of the illegal trafficking cases, amounting to 136 cases….
The Range St. Louis West Earns Coveted Gun-Lobby Five-Star Range Rating
The Range St. Louis West is a first-class facility, offering everything to keep gun owners active to getting new people started.
Bass Pro Shops, New Destination Store to serve Odessa & Midland Texas Metro Markets
More than just a fishing and hunting store, the retail destination will offer equipment and clothing for all outdoor adventures, including hiking, backpacking, wildlife viewing, camping and other related outdoor gear.
ICYMI ~ ATF Open Letter To FFLs Regarding Medical Marijuana
In 2011 ATF was reminding FFL’s that using Medical Marijuana & buying guns is a Federal crime. Flash forward to 2021 more states have legalized marijuana. This needs fixing.
Below the Radar: Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act of 2021
Your local Federal Firearms Licensee has made a living helping people exercise their Second Amendment rights, and anti-Second Amendment extremists in Congress want them out of business.
ATF, NSSF Offer Up to $5K Reward for Auburn WA Firearms Burglary
An unknown male used bolt cutters and a pry bar to break through an outer and inner door at about 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The suspect took 15 pistols and fled the scene.
ATF Responds to NSSF’s Request for Guidance on FFL “Premises” Questions
NSSF® has heard your concerns about conducting transactions outside of your retail stores in light of the unprecedented restrictions placed on businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CoreWare & AmmoReady Join to Deliver Integrated Point-of-Sale/Ecom for Gun Retailers
In addition, CoreWare will offer custom ecommerce website development for high-volume firearms retailers looking for specialized solutions.
Big Rock Sports Launches Mobile Ordering App for Retailers
Big Rock Sports has introduced a new app that enables their wholesale customers to order products with their mobile devices…
Guidance on Wildfire Preparedness for Federal Firearms & Federal Explosives Licensees
There are 41 FELs and 173 FFLs in San Diego County. The wildfires threatening portions of the county are forcing evacuations.
ATF & NSSF Offer Reward in Elmore’s Firearms Smash & Grab Robbery
Suspects used a stolen red pick up truck to ram into the gun shop building Sunday morning just after 6:00 a.m., according to Greenwood Police Department…
I May be a Dumb Gun Dealer But,,, a New S&W Shield Has to be Coming Soon
Start promoting to get rid of inventory. Come out with your own “Buy 6 and Get 1 Free AND get 7 magazines free”. Blow out your inventory.
9 types of Federal Firearms Licensees – The Legal Brief ~ VIDEO
Today we are talking about the different types of FFLs that one could have, that nine to be exact…
Warning Gun Retailers : Brady Campaign May Approach You
Warning : individuals working directly for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence may be seeking to visit FFLs to engage with owners or employees…
The Few The Proud Armory : Featured Federal Firearms License, Sharod Edwards
Decorated Marine Veteran and one tough guy he is a living example of dedication and will power. He is also one of the few African American with a FFL license…
Brownells Now Sells Guns From All Major Brands
Now, customers can turn to Brownells to buy rifles, shotguns and handguns from almost any brand imaginable!
How to Conduct a Firearms Inventory for FFL’s
In an effort to keep firearms out of the hands of prohibited persons and to promote good business practices, the ATFis providing this information to help educate the firearms industry and…..
Final Countdown to New National Instant Criminal Check System System
It’s hard to believe that New National Instant Criminal Check System is just one week away! The FBI has been working towards this milestone for several years.
Just in Time for DNC Convention, Obama Releases More Executive Gun Control
The administration’s latest move is a timely reminder of how the politicized & arrogant abuse of executive power is used to suppress Second Amendment rights.
If There Was Ever A Weekend To Buy A Gun – This Is It!
If you’re sitting on any extra cash this Father’s Day Weekend, you may want to gather it up and head down to your local gun shop.
Arlington County VA Continues Harassment of NOVA Armory
Somehow the Planning Department managed to get a notice out to the all the neighboring stores, but not to NOVA Armory…
California Bill Will Eliminate Most Gun Dealers From the State
AB 2459 is the scariest bill we have seen all year, and that’s not a fact to be taken lightly as there are already bills to ban most semi-auto rifles, ration your gun purchases, and ban all magazines
Straw Purchase by Bad Apples – What’s A Gun Dealer To Do?
As dealers we only stop sales to the really blatant straw purchasers and probably stop purchases by innocent citizens just as often.
ATF Publishes Final Lost and Stolen in Transit Rule in the Federal Register
National Shooting Sports Foundation has actively opposed the rule since a version was first published in 2000. The rule becomes effective 30 days from today, on Feb. 11 2016.
Recap of Wednesday’s McLean Citizens Association Meeting Regarding NOVA Firearms
A few parents, who clearly didn’t know anything at all about guns, were actually concerned about the gun store being near the school…
NOVA Firearms Under Attack at a McLean, VA Town Meeting
There are apparently nine parents who claim they fear “for safety of their children”, who go to school near a gun store & now something must be done…
Dueling Petitions to Support, Close Gun Shop
In Virginia, one of the Bloomberg disarmist groups is attempting to shut down one of the few gun shops near the nations capitol.
San Francisco’s Last Gun Shop, High Bridge Arms, To Close
To my friends at Highbridge thank you for supporting my career & being great friends. You will truly be missed here in San Francisco. Chris Cheng…
California City Council Drops Proposed Firearms Retailer Ordinance
A key problem of the proposal was that the police chief did not reach out to any of the established retailers in the city for their input.