Second Amendment Email Campaign – July 4 2009

Second Amendment Email Campaign – July 4 2009

Right To Keep and Bear Arms Forum
Right To Keep and Bear Arms Forum

USA – -( On July 4 2009 we want gun owners across the country to email their US Senators and State Representatives in support of the Second Amendment. It will only take a few minutes of their time.

We will provide them with a letter to send if they do not feel like writing their own. They can take ours and personalize it to their standards. Imagine thousands or tens of thousands or even a million emails being emailed to all the US Senators and State Representatives all on the same day.

If that does not make a statement then I do not know what will.

This would be a peaceful email in support of the Second Amendment and the right to carry. I am not talking about overwhelming email servers or anything like that. We want our Senators and State Representatives to get these emails.

Check out our Second Amendment Forum for more information and updates.

Thank you for your time
Charlie Marracco
[email protected]