VCDL Now On Twitter

Virginia Citizens Defense League Now On Twitter

Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Newington, VA – -( VCDL now has a Twitter account ( that I will be using to let people know what VCDL is up to and what is happening with gun rights in Virginia – all in a more timely fashion than is possible with VA-ALERT.

Using Twitter, for example, I will be able to “tweet” information on gun bills as they are being discussed and voted on in committees, giving you the blow-by-blow details as they are happening. (Tweets are short little messages sent out documenting something. Tweets are purposely constrained to be very, very short and, thus, have to be to the point.)

I will use Twitter to let you know about gun related events (rallies, protests, picnics, dinners, meetings, etc.) that are coming up and what transpires at those events before the information hits VA-ALERT.

If there is a critical or urgent situation, it will hit Twitter immediately, follow by VA-ALERT shortly thereafter.

There is a lot that is done by VCDL every week and much of it never makes it to an Alert or an Update, as I don’t want to overload those that are sensitive to high email traffic levels.

Some of these “unsung” items are local issues that we quietly fix. Some are things your fellow VCDL members fix on their own. No surprise there, as VCDL members have to be among the most knowledgeable and political savvy gun owners in the country.

I will use Twitter to keep you apprised of places where I will be either speaking or attending on behalf of VCDL, for those who might wish to know.

I am going to do my utmost to keep the tweets interesting and timely.

So if you want to be on the technological “bleeding edge” of what’s going on in Virginia, here’s your opportunity.

To follow VCDL with your Twitter account, go here and click “follow”:

Twitter accounts, for those of you who might be new to this, is a powerful way of social networking and is free. A lot of young people are really into twittering and VCDL feels that this is an important way to reach out to the younger crowd, as well as a great way to make sure that gun owners in Virginia continue to lead the way in using technology to organize in the protection of our right to self-defense!

Just to be clear: the Twitters are NOT meant to replace VA-ALERT, but to supplement it.

Onward we charge into the 21st century!

The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) was founded in October 1994 as the Northern Virginia Citizens Defense League (NVCDL). The group experienced enormous growth in membership statewide and was incorporated as VCDL in May of 1998. VCDL is a non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians and, most importantly, the proposition that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental Human Right. Visit