Massad Ayoob Group Announces MAG-20 Deadly Force Course

Live Oak, FL –-( Tactical Anatomy Systems is pleased to announce Massad Ayoob of Massad Ayoob Group will be holding an “MAG-20, Classroom – Deadly Force Course” in Saukville, Wisconsin.
The MAG-20 class is a two-day, 20-hour immersion course in rules of engagement for armed law-abiding private citizens, emphasizing legal issues, tactical issues, and aftermath management. Topics will include interacting with suspects, witnesses, responding police officers…threat recognition and mind-set…management of social and psychological aftermath after having had to use lethal force in defense of self or others…and preparing beforehand for legal repercussions and minimizing exposure to them. Situations in the home, at the place of business, or “on the street” will all be covered. Prerequisite: none.
This class will be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010 and Sunday, April 18, 2010.
Class will start each day at 9:00 am and run until approximately 7:00 pm.
New Deadly Force training options for private citizens and law enforcement:
For almost 30 years, there was only one training center where private citizens could get the same level of training as police academies or law schools – or higher – in what the criminal justice system calls “judicious use of deadly force”: the Lethal Force Institute, established and led by Massad Ayoob. Now, there are two such sources.
Massad has left Lethal Force Institute, Inc. after 28 years as its director, and is now teaching through Massad Ayoob Group.
Says Ayoob, “The separation was based strictly on differing business philosophies between myself and the other major partner in LFI. I expect LFI to continue the proven curriculum that was developed over 28 years, and with many certified instructors I’ve personally trained, I expect Lethal Force Institute to continue to provide top-quality professional training around the country.”
Massad will now be devoting more time to teaching attorneys how to defend justifiable homicide cases with CLE (Continuing Legal Education) programs run throughout the country under the auspices of state bar associations, in conjunction with ACLDN, the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, and to train police instructors at selected law enforcement training academies around the country. Massad Ayoob will continue to provide cutting-edge training for armed private citizens, through Massad Ayoob Group. MAG-20/Classroom:
A two-day, 20-hour immersion course in rules of engagement for armed law-abiding private citizens with emphasizing legal issues, tactical issues, and aftermath management. Topics will include interacting with suspects, witnesses, responding police officers…threat recognition and mind-set…management of social and psychological aftermath after having had to use lethal force in defense of self or others…and preparing beforehand for legal repercussions and minimizing exposure to them. Situations in the home, at the place of business, or “on the street” will all be covered.
Please reserve a slot in the Saturday, April 17, 2010 and Sunday, April 18, 2010, MAG-20 Course being held in Saukville, Wisconsin. My full tuition of $400.00 is enclosed. I understand a conformation e-mail will be sent with further information once my tuition is received. Or visit to pay via credit card.
Massad Ayoob Group is devoting more time to teaching attorneys how to defend justifiable homicide cases with CLE (Continuing Legal Education) programs run throughout the country under the auspices of state bar associations, in conjunction with ACLDN, the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network , and to train police instructors at selected law enforcement training academies around the country. He will continue to provide cutting-edge training for armed private citizens, through MAG. Visit: