Virginia Democrat Eileen Filler-Corn is a Gun Control Extremist

Virginia Democrat Eileen Filler-Corn is a Gun Control Extremist
Eileen Filler-Corn & her supporter Jim Brady of Handgun Control Inc believe more gun control will help them win the election…what?

Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Virginia – -(   On Tuesday, March 2nd, there is going to be a special election in House District 41 to fill the vacated House seat of the now Senator Marsden.

One of the candidates, Democrat Eileen Filler-Corn, has actively pushed gun control in the past.

In fact, she is an extremist on gun control.

Filler-Corn wrote a letter to the Connection newspaper in 2000 stating that “Every person is at risk from a citizen carrying guns in malls, movie theaters, restaurants and on highways.”

Doesn’t sound like she wants us to be able to protect ourselves anywhere, does it?

Here are some more facts about her:

  • Filler-Corn is a lawyer who used to represent Handgun Control Inc.
  • Filler-Corn has actively opposed the right to carry in government facilities and restaurants serving alcohol
  • Filler-Corn advocates “zero tolerance” policies and has actively opposed your right to carry and store guns in your car on school grounds
  • Filler-Corn was vice president and legislative chairman of the Northern Virginia chapter of the Million Mom March in 2001
  • Filler-Corn, in her failed attempt to run against James Dillard back in 2000, was endorsed by Handgun Control, Inc.

However, Filler-Corn is trying to hide her anti-gun agenda big time! She does not mention it on her web site, her Facebook page, or in her public statements.

*** Not surprisingly, FIller-Corn has not returned her VCDL survey. Her opponent, Republican Kerry Bolognese, has returned the survey and answered it 100%. ***

More on Filler-Corn here:

Here is a blast from the past
In this Washington Post article from 1999. In this article, it says that Virginia Democrats see gun control as their best hope of getting elected.

That didn’t work out for them and they are now running away from gun control — hence Filler-Corn’s silence on her true agenda.

But this article is a good reminder of just how things have changed in the last 10 years:

Va. Democrats Pin Hopes on Gun Control By Craig Timberg and William Branigin Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, October 29, 1999; Page A1

Virginia Democrats, faced with tough odds in Tuesday’s state legislative elections, have seized on gun control and the fear of another Columbine-type school massacre as their best hope to stem a decade of Republican gains in Northern Virginia and other suburban battlegrounds.

With just days of campaigning left, Democratic strategists have narrowed their list of vulnerable Republican incumbents in the Washington area to four lawmakers who have spent the last few weeks defending themselves on gun votes. A similar pattern has emerged in races in suburban Hampton Roads.

Democratic challengers have used television ads, mailings and rallies to portray Republican incumbents as beholden to the National Rifle Association. Stumping for Northern Virginia Democrats this week were a 16-year-old student from Columbine High School and Jim Brady, perhaps the nation’s most visible advocate of gun control since his wounding in the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Republicans call several of the ads gross distortions of their records in a region where voters and lawmakers largely agree on the need for some forms of gun control. And they warn there is a backlash among voters unnerved by the exploitation of such an emotional issue, particularly when the differences between candidates are relatively slight.

“Even the Democrats don’t believe that Republicans want to arm schoolchildren,” said GOP consultant Ray Allen, an adviser to Gov. James S. Gilmore III.

Read Entire Article Here…

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit:

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