Urban Shooter Update – March 3rd 2010
If you are done digging out this week come and join me for some good food.

Upper Marlboro, MD –-(AmmoLand.com)- Hi AmmoLand Family, I plan on eating some BBQ on Thursday, March 4th , 6 PM.
At the Red, Hot & Blue in Arlington, VA (right outside of Washington, DC) and sharing a laugh or two with any listeners of the Urban Shooter Podcast that can make it.
While there we will raise a beverage to our legal activists and the McDonald vs Chicago fight. That case is helping the gun unfriendly places like NJ, NY, DC, MD, CA and IL. All are welcome.
On the show I plan to share some observations about sexism in the gun culture in my own cock-eyed way. I have an interview with the maker of a tacti-cool coat from www.kitanica.net. I want to talk about the Gun Control Act of 1934 but I’ll see how much time I have as a part of my American history feature.
Going to debut a new commercial I made for GunPal.com, the future replacement for paypal. Please pray for the CEO of that company that is going through something right now. And while you are at it, for pro-gun families everywhere because some of us are unemployed still, and fighting other demons as well.
Going to share some personal information about why I sell so much stuff on my site and seemingly in a constant state of pimping. I call it “Overpriced Crap.” It might be funnier if weren’t true. I almost lost my house and family fighting for the right to keep and bear arms and provide a plethora of things to keep the site and my work going and growing.
My show is an opportunity to share personal insights with pro-rights people that I could never get the chance to talk to on a weekly basis if it weren’t for the internet. In our day to day world, when does anybody get a chance to tell “stuff” without a whole lot of interruptions? Life is like that. I know I am an “odd duck.” Some people just don’t get me, but I’m your neighbor down the street, or the apartment below you. I’m the dude singing on the treadmill next to you in the gym. I’m the one you can trust to pick up your mail, or encourages you at church. And I thank you for being a fellow patriot.
Your friend and brother from a different mother,
- Follow me on twitter.com/urbanshooterpod Facebook.com/kennblanchard
- Forum: www.blackmanwithagun.info
- And the show notes on www.urbanshooterpodcast.com
“Holla” 1-888-772-6262
Urban Shooter PodCast is a listener supported variety show podcast for all law abiding gun owners, air-soft, air-gun, and paintball enthusiasts of the city hosted by author, instructor and activist, Kenn Blanchard. The weekly shows share grassroots information on what’s going on, mixed with humor, guest interviews, commentary, gun safety, marksmanship and listener feedback. Visit: www.urbanshooterpodcast.com