Firearms Micro-Stamping Bills on the Move in New York

Firearms Micro-Stamping Bills on the Move in New York

Firearms Micro-Stamping Easily Be Defeated With Common Household Tools
Firearms Micro-Stamping Easily Be Defeated With Common Household Tools
National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association

Albany, NY —( Micro-stamping legislation, Assembly Bill 6468C, sponsored by State Assemblywomen Michelle Schimel (D-16)(Anti-Gun), advanced to its 3rd reading in the New York State Assembly. The Senate version of the bill is Senate Bill 6005, sponsored by State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D-31)(Anti-Gun).

Both A6468C and S6005 require that semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in the state of New York be capable of micro-stamping ammunition and establish fines for violations of this requirement.

Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that would require unique identifying information from the firearm, including the make, model, and serial number to be etched into the firing pin and breech face in such a manner that those identifiers are imprinted on the cartridge case upon firing.

The technology can easily be defeated with common household tools, has no public safety value, and adds substantially to the cost of the firearm. If passed, the availability of semi-automatic handguns in New York could be in jeopardy, as manufacturers simply may choose not to build or sell firearms for purchase in the state, which, of course is the goal of this legislation.

This activity comes just days after the anti-gunners in New York held their annual anti-gun lobby day in Albany. This also means that lawmakers could be gearing up to pass their whole anti-gun agenda. It is imperative that you contact your lawmakers and ask their position on A6468C and S6005 and request that they oppose the laundry list of anti-gun bills currently pending in the Assembly.

  • State Assembly Members can be reached by phone at (518) 455-4100.  To find your Assembly Member, please click here.
  • Your State Senator can be contacted through the Senate switchboard at (518) 455-2800. To find your State Senator, please click here.

Also, please e-mail NRA-ILA’s State & Local Affairs Division at state&[email protected] and let us know what response you are getting from your lawmakers concerning A6468C and S6005.

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit:

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oscar w. hopp

the fact that n.y. lawmakers will always side with the criminals,

and aganist law abiding gun opwners is why i moved out of n.y.


As I read articles about how elected representitives rationalize gun restrictions, I am reminded of a statement my supervisor, a Chief Warrent Officer in the USAR, often quoted: "in government, s in the military, there is no place for 'LOGIC' ". The State of New York should instruct all of its courts, from town to state, that the "act against the victim will be punished". It doesn't matter if the thief had a troubled childhood or comes from a dysfuntional family. Maybe we should think about vigilante tradition in the sense that the law is not circumvented, but enforced until… Read more »

Joe Doakes

Wrote this many moons ago. Those in power still do not realize the true folly of gun control verse crime control. New York State Government Albany, NY June 4, 2008 Dear: Governor Paterson, State-Senator Leibel, Assemblyman Bradley, Every year some new idea about how to make our streets safer via “Gun Control” arrives in New York. We’ve registered our guns. Violent crime continues. We’ve banned assault weapons. Violent crime continues. We ballistically identify our legally possessed pistols. Violent crime continues. There are 200 to 300 million firearms in this country – they are woven into the fabric of our society.… Read more »