Advisory: Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy to Introduce Legislation Requiring Lost & Stolen Gun Reporting
Based on its reliance on a Mayors Against Illegal Guns study this is sure to be an attack on gun rights.
WASHINGTON, D.C. –-( On Wednesday, July 14, 2010, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), will hold a press conference call for members of the media to introduce her new legislation that will require reporting lost and stolen handguns to the police.
Statistics confirm that most crimes committed with guns, are committed using illegal handguns – obtained through trafficking, straw purchases, or theft. When police discover a handgun at a crime scene, it is usually possible to trace it back to an original purchaser. Straw purchasers often rely on the “I lost it and forgot to report it,” loophole to get off the hook. Lost or stolen handgun reporting would help seal that hole – with zero impact on responsible, law-abiding owners.
A 2008 study published by Mayors Against Illegal Guns discovered that the seven states already enforcing a similar requirement show a 67 percent reduction in the number of crime guns traced back to within their borders.
Your coverage is welcome.
WHAT: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy Press Conference Call Introducing Legislation Requiring
Lost and Stolen Handgun Reporting
WHO: Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04)
Thomas McMahon, Mayor, Reading, PA
Deputy Commissioner William Flanagan, Nassau County Police Department
Paul Helmke, President, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Joe Grace, Executive Director, CeaseFire PA
WHEN: Wednesday, July 14, 2010
9:30 a.m. EDT
CALL IN: Please call Communications Director, Aprill Turner at 202.225.5516 for dial-in information.
Note: Participants will be required to confirm submit their name and affiliation.