Urban Shooter Podcast Update – August 16th 2010
This week on the Urban Shooter Podcast (USP)

Upper Marlboro, MD –-(AmmoLand.com) Hey its your friend and brother from a different mother,
The summer is winding down but I hope you are getting some time to enjoy it.
I am still enjoying myself doing the show for you. Thank you for supporting it. I have purposely cut out about twenty minutes so that it won’t go over an hour and hog up all your space on your player. I definitely have to find out how to save some of my data and clean my hard drive now.
We have a new toll free number for the show, 888-675-0202. It replaces the 1888PANAMA I had. You can’t believe the calls I got from that.
I still need some gun reviews for the future. If you would like to share your take on your favorite firearm for the show please call and record away. It records in five minute blocks and I can edit any dead space so have at it.
If you have ideas for a show topic, please let me know. Feel free to leave reviews or comments on www.urbanshooterpodcast.com
August has been a good month actually for the show as my shenanigans have got the attention of a few small companies. One such company FlashpointTactical.com has sent me a box of these little gel things that fit on your holsters like Magellan insoles fit on your feet. If you want one please send me your mailing address and I will send it to you while supplies last. They stick on the inside so you got this little gel pad between you and the leather. SMART!
You know our show has been sponsored corporately by Crossbreedholsters.com so please continue to show them love.
This month Americangunworks.com is helping so for please check out that site and use the coupon code of UrbanShooter to save some bucks.
I am trying to finish a book (unsuccessfully) about my son and I.
I have a crazy idea to make a pilot video version of the Urban Shooter show that will be somewhat like the Tonight Show with guns.
The church is getting better though some of the members are not doing well physically.
After many personal struggles, I think I am going to try the guitar again. Will try taking lessons first chance I get.
Zombie Strike has its own podcast. Now I just need time to upload and catch up.
New membership swag coming soon.
And the beat goes on…
Shalom Baby!
Kenn Blanchard
Check out the latest episode!
- Follow me on twitter.com/urbanshooterpod Facebook.com/kennblanchard
- Forum: www.blackmanwithagun.info
- And the show notes on www.urbanshooterpodcast.com
“Holla” 1-888-772-6262
Urban Shooter PodCast is a listener supported variety show podcast for all law abiding gun owners, air-soft, air-gun, and paintball enthusiasts of the city hosted by author, instructor and activist, Kenn Blanchard. The weekly shows share grassroots information on what’s going on, mixed with humor, guest interviews, commentary, gun safety, marksmanship and listener feedback. Visit: www.urbanshooterpodcast.com