Obama Nominates Rabid Anti-Gunner To Head The ATF

Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- It was not a good sign that Barack Obama kept his nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives a secret until after the midterm election — and then quickly announced that anti-gun zealot Andrew F. Traver would be named to fill the slot.
After being blasted before November 2’s election by the liberal New York Times for failing to beef up the ATF by appointing a director — for fear of the wrath of the “gun lobby” — Obama gets right past the election and, presto chango, a nominee appears. How ’bout that?
And not just any nominee.
As special agent in charge of Chicago’s ATF field division, Traver had taken the lead in calling for a ban on semiautomatic firearms.

And Chicago, of course, has been the epicenter of anti-gun government activism. It is not surprising that Traver has also been active in the virulently anti-gun International Association of Chiefs of Police, which has worked to empower Handgun Control-type activists and has commissioned panels to:
- support one-gun-a-month and lock-up-your-safety laws, as well as “ballistic fingerprinting” files on all firearms;
- espouse an “effective” ban on .50-caliber firearms, and a redefinition of “armor-piercing” ammunition that could effectively ban handgun use;
- mandate gun-destruction policies for law enforcement and enhanced funding to go after guns;
- prohibit all private gun sales and make “prohibited persons” out of a much wider variety of persons committing simple misdemeanors;
- back a repeal of the Tiahrt amendment; and,
- allow federal health and safety oversight of the firearms industry (through agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Food and Drug Administration).
It is disconcerting that ANY organization espousing these views would be taken seriously. That an activist in such an organization would be put in charge of the ATF is truly troubling.
ACTION: Contact your Senators. Urge them to support a filibuster of the Traver nomination to head the ATF. You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send your Senators the pre-written e-mail message below.
Gun Owners of America–—- Pre-written letter —–
Dear Senator:
It was not a good sign that Barack Obama kept his nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives a secret until after the election — and then quickly announced that anti-gun zealot Andrew F. Traver would be named to fill the slot.
As special agent in charge of Chicago’s ATF field division, Traver had taken the lead in calling for a ban on semiautomatic firearms.
And Chicago, of course, has been the epicenter of anti-gun government activism. It is not surprising that Traver has also been active in the virulently anti-gun International Association of Chiefs of Police, which has worked to empower Handgun Control-type activists and has commissioned panels to:
* support one-gun-a-month and lock-up-your-safety laws, as well as “ballistic fingerprinting” files on all firearms;
* espouse an “effective” ban on .50-caliber firearms, and a redefinition of “armor-piercing” ammunition that could effectively ban handgun use;
* mandate gun-destruction policies for law enforcement and enhanced funding to go after guns;
* prohibit all private gun sales and make “prohibited persons” out of a much wider variety of persons committing simple misdemeanors;
* back a repeal of the Tiahrt amendment; and,
* allow federal health and safety oversight of the firearms industry (through agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Consumer Product Safety Commission or the Food and Drug Administration).
It is disconcerting that ANY organization espousing these views would be taken seriously. That an activist in such an organization would be put in charge of the ATF is truly troubling.
Please support a filibuster of the Traver nomination to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585
FAX: 703-321-8408
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul
The first thing I noticed was Traver wearing an American Flag lapel pin. What a slap in the face of the American people !
I find it hypocritical that Traver wears an American flag pin on his lapel; given his views on the Second Amendment.
Gun owners were right all along to be wary of Obama trying to curtail our Second Amendment rights. Obama only PRETENDED to cool his heels on promulgating assaults on the Second Amendment. The nomination of Traver openly reveals his ulterior motives and intentions.
Thomas Jefferson said "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom".