You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer…
Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh PA

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer…
During the amnesty period, the veterans would be able to register war relic firearms without fear of prosecution…
America’s heroes should be allowed to keep firearms obtained overseas without fear of prosecution, as they become an important part of our nation’s history…
In wake of known threats, leaving citizens defenseless is wrong In wake of known threats, leaving citizens defenseless is wrong…
He’s been a drill instructor, an animated character and even an analyst, but this Friday, February 4, find out if the Gunny is truly a cut above….
Specialty Sports & Supply Honored as 2010 Ruger Retailer of the Year Southport, CT –-( Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR), is pleased to announce that Specialty Sports & Supply of Colorado Springs, CO has been named the 2010 Ruger Retailer of the Year. Owners Jeff and Kim Lepp were honored at the 2011 […]
The winner, Orville Heltzer (alias Magnum) with 3 of our members, Matt St. John, Frank Gebbia, and Dean Woodruff…
“Grass Roots North Carolina is holding a Grass Roots Mobilization Day at the General Assembly Tuesday February 1 and we want you there…
Featuring Noveske Shooting Team members, the video addresses popular 3-gun topics such as loading techniques, load management, shot and choke selection, stance, transitions, movement, firearm handling, shooting positions…
Even Democrats rose to protest their anti-gun Dem Party boss Senator Richard Saslaw’s outrageous decision to send all controversial legislation to a Senate sub-committee to die…
ATN Night Cougar Night Vision Goggle has one of the clearest and brightest images available in a 1st Gen…
Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez is jumping on the anti-gun agenda with what is expected to be a crossfiled House bill identical to Senator Frosh’s SB 162…
Cam Edwards talks to NRA-ILA Indiana State Liaison Ashley Varner – NRA News – about the great new gun bills introduced in the Indiana Legislature…
Pecked to death by ducks is another way these gun banners folks look at their mission to attack freedom…
The BATFE released a Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns, which proposes that military shotguns with common military features that are unsuitable for traditional shotgun sports be prohibited from importation…
Is he now feeling bold enough to take on the majority of freedom loving Americans with the launch of a more gun control???
But gun owners should be prepared: The second two years of President Obama’s term may be tougher than the first…
This effectively ended the chances for anti-gun Obamacrats to prevent conservative heroes like Senator Rand Paul from using the filibuster as a tool to fight for your right to keep and bear arms…
Our industry seems to be full of self-starters, folks who love their guns and their constitutional rights to self protection and making an honest living…
New Jersey Attorney General’s motion to dismiss a recently-filed Second Amendment Foundation lawsuit against the state’s subjective handgun carry laws was predictable and disappointing…
Magazines are still the media source of choice for hunters, according to the June 2010…
The answer is NOT to prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing sporting rifles such as the AR-15…
In spite of the hand wringing from the freedom haters in the gun ban movement, it would be a mistake to assume that more gun control on a national level is a dead issue…
ATF announces the publication of the Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns to obtain comments from the affected industry…
Defendant Possessed Dozens of Guns at Ferndale, Washington Storage Facility…
Quite frankly there is no better example of legislation that embodies the Second Amendment, than Constitutional Carry. It’s the law of the land in Vermont, Alaska, and Arizona…
Real Action Paintball is proud to be your finest source for MOLLE vest pouches, magazine holders, and accessories…
GrassRoots found a way to amend H. 3405 to make what the politicians wanted to do for their own self serving interests apply to all of us…
To browse all the features of the updated American Handgunner website visit today…
Three more Montana Shooting Sports Association bills have been introduced and now have bill numbers…