First, Do No Harm in the Name of Gun Owner Rights
Advice for the Gun Activist in the New Year.

Upper Marlboro, MD –-( The Hippocratic oath (primum non nocere) for medicine is my advice for the New Year pro-rights family.
I am not a doctor, and don’t play one on television but the Hippocratic oath should apply to all prospective and current gun rights advocates this year.
In short, “don’t make it worse.” If the gun laws in your state suck, work with the strongest pro gun group in your area. Don’t water down our strength duplicating someone else’s efforts.
Here in Maryland, as in New Jersey we are hosed as gun owners. We have laws on top of laws. We want the right to carry but we don’t need younger guns getting into bed with political crooks. Use some wisdom. Take your enthusiasm, strength and zeal to an established group and help them.
For example I know this one pro-gun guy, from New York, without a clue. He loves to take pictures with anti-gun politicians. He is not listening or helping.
There is only one way to change bad law, and that is with a united gun community. You need a big dose of political savvy and issue oriented legislators exercising discipline. We can all talk, but we can’t all talk at the same time. You may have the right to do this and that, but I have learned that in politics, things are never as they appear.
For all your marching, ranting, emailing, calling, there is some deal made over a dinner you were not privy to. There is someone or some group that has access to that low down, politicritter that has mucked up our rights. Let our pro gun statesmen among us do their thing. Sometimes it’s a lobbyist. Sometimes it’s a lawyer. Sometimes it’s a preacher. Sometimes it’s a friend of the politician that he or she knew way back in the day.
Here in Maryland, I am still waiting for the first genuine criminal to pass a NICS check and get caught by the Maryland State Police check…? Can you say redundant?
- We would like to see prompt return of property seized by the police once it is no longer needed for the investigation.
- We want serious accountability for police political surveillance and their use of emergency psych evil laws.
- It should be safe for you to record police who exercise authority in public.
- We want better range protection.
I am sure my family members on AmmoLand have their list too. Whatever we do, let’s do it as a team. Let’s do it in concert. Let’s do it together. I’ll talk about this more on the next episode of The Urban Shooter.
“Holla” 1-888-675-0202

Kenn Blanchard is a contributer to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter pod cast. In addition Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing profesional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment , inspiration and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice -over, podcasting and professional speaking. Visit: