Good News Bad News for Gun Rights

Virginia –-( THE GOOD NEWS
U.S. Senate leaders agreed to adjourn the first legislative day of the 112th Congress, without a vote to change the rules to silence outspoken pro-gun advocates.
This effectively ended the chances for anti-gun Obamacrats to prevent conservative heroes like Senator Rand Paul from using the filibuster as a tool to fight for your right to keep and bear arms.
Your calls and emails made a difference. Thank YOU!
HB 1438 The 10th Amendment Freedom Act, exempting all goods (including Guns) from control by the feds via the interstate commerce clause, passed the House and is in the Virginia Senate. Stay tuned for action on this later as we anticipate anti-gun Democrat Leader Richard Saslaw to single-handedly kill this bill by refusing to bring it up for a vote.
I will keep you posted on needed action.
The Republicans in the Federal Congress, including Senator Tome Coburn, are taking a serious look at gun control because of the Arizona shootings.
Please remember that Republicans cannot be trusted.
In fact, Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has record of voting for anti-gun legislation.
In 1993 as a Virginia state Delegate he voted to impose a one-gun-a-month gun purchase rationing scheme on Virginia’s gun owners.
That same year he also voted to ban self-defense shot guns.
Clearly Eric Cantor is eager to return to his former ways and curry favor with President Obama so he can spend more time at the White House in meetings with the powerful and connected. I will keep you posted for action.
Obama is making a new push for gun control.
HJ 542, Virginia’s call for a Constitutional Convention passed the House.
Please cut copy and paste and email the below to your senator.
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For Liberty,————————
HJ 542, a resolution calling for a constitutional convention — a plan which could ultimately result in the repeal or the rewriting of our Constitution is a VERY BAD Idea.
The problem is that there’s no guarantee that a Constitutional Convention can be limited to just one issue — even supporters of a ConCon admit this. After all, the Founding Fathers held a Constitutional Convention in 1787 to revise and tweak the Articles of Confederation. What was produced, however, was a completely new document.
I greatly appreciate the desire of the state legislature to rein in federal abuses. But if Congress appoints the ConCon leaders — and they control all the proceedings and the amendments that can be offered — then how does that help us?
Virginia legislators, of all people, should know that there are other options for repealing ObamaCare and other unconstitutional federal laws. This is the state that enacted legislation to allow citizens to opt out of ObamaCare. And it’s this repudiation of Congress that is currently in the courts — and doing quite well!
Virginia has a long history of interposition, dating back to the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798 when James Madison put the state on record in opposition to those laws. Likewise, the northern states nullified the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 by passing Personal Liberty Laws that actually prevented the forcible return of escaped slaves to their former owners.
There is plenty of precedent here to allow the Old Dominion to get out from under federal abuse. Virginia can veto unconstitutional federal laws within the border of this state; we don’t need to play Russian Roulette with our Second Amendment rights by calling for a Constitutional Convention.
For these reasons, please vote against HJ 542. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed. Thank you.
Mike McHugh
President, VGOC
Virginia Gun Owners Coalition is Virginia’s only no-compromise, non-partisan gun lobby patterned after Gun Owners of America on Capitol Hill. VGOC is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(4) of the IRS code. Because we lobby politicians to protect and defend the 2nd Amendment, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Visit: