This is a chance to meet your legislators and show your support for pro-rights bills…
Arizona Citizens Defense League Gun Owners Lobby Day

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
This is a chance to meet your legislators and show your support for pro-rights bills…
Smith & Wesson Corp., the legendary 159-year old firearms maker, announced today new models and extensions to its Smith & Wesson, Thompson/Center Arms and Walther firearms portfolios…
The new site works with all smartphone platforms and gives hunters and shooters unprecedented access to product information and ballistics…
Blood pooling on the ground. Men stampeding to the rear in panic, leaving behind hundreds of their fellows dead or dying, awaiting the scalping knives and tomahawks….
NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has announced the winners of its annual Second Amendment essay contest…
Multi-Agency task force rounds up defendants accused of illegal gun purchases, money laundering and conspiracy…
All current law school and college students will be admitted free of charge…
De La Rosa admitted that on November 11, 2009, while buying two handguns from a licensed firearms dealer in Albert Lea, Minnesota, he made false statements on the required firearms application…
The challenges are fiercer for marksmen facing off for a $100,000 prize package and the title of…TOP SHOT
Bill SB 757, which protects the right of citizens to discharge air guns in their homes and on their private property passed by a 9 to 6 vote out of the Senate Local Government committee…
The initial contract is to supply 33,000 kits and 40,000 additional lenses in 2011 with a 5 year option period…
Gun control activists like Roxane Kolar of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence, insist Tucson’s tragedy couldn’t happen here…
H. 3405 would let any elected or appointed public official – that means politicians – to carry a self-defense firearm anywhere in the state.
At you will also find unique decoys and decoy accessories not available in any store… received the SHOT Business Award for Company of the Year at a Bonnier Outdoor Group breakfast January 18th… has recently released the latest version of their industry leading trail/game camera software W.I.S.E. and adds the ability to choose your own weather station…
Ian Thomson in Port Colborne Ontario, who was charged for defending himself during attack by three individuals who were attempting to fire-bomb his home while he slept…
Bill would have made it a misdemeanor for anyone to carry a knife concealed with a blade 3.5 inches or longer…
A bill, H.B. 54, was introduced in the legislature to repeal the ban on carrying in places of worship…
Taught by Team ITI’s Brandon Wright on March 24-25, 2011 and April 8-9, 2011…
Hornady received the award for Critical Defense 12-Gauge 00 Buckshot ammunition, which has been chosen as the 2011 Ammunition Product of the Year by Shooting Illustrated…
The Senate Majority is trying to kill the filibuster to shut down the most effective minority tool to stop bad bills…
The lawsuit was prompted in part by the many objections and questions raised by confused police, ammunition purchasers, and sellers about what ammunition is covered by the new laws…
Agency experts admit they have no idea how many guns go to Mexico from U.S. The BATFE has no way to get the information or the desire to get the number or conflict with public statements…
U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit will rededicate the USAMU Round House, commonly called the “Patton Round House” in association with Gen. George Patton’s time at Ft. Benning…
The clay target shooting blog has released a new T-Shirt design called the Super- Mini…
The Jaggi-Jenning Constitutional Carry bill, SF-47 passed the Senate today by a vote margin of 20-10, that’s a veto proof margin…
West Virginia Citizens Defense League Files Suit to Challenge Martinsburg Gun Control Ordinance Martinsburg, W.Va. –-( This morning, the West Virginia Citizens Defense League filed a 6-count civil complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia challenging a Martinsburg city ordinance prohibiting the possession or carrying of firearms in city-owned […]
Senator Ron Gould (R-LD3) has filed SB 1201, an AzCDL-requested “omnibus” firearms related bill…
Maryland Shall Issue is requesting that Virginia gun owners send in comments supporting the measure…