Warning – Avoid Chicago As A Vacation Destination
Illinois –-(Ammoland.com)- The Illinois State Rifle Association is warning its members to think twice about selecting Chicago as a vacation destination this summer.
This warning was issued in response to a recent dramatic upswing in violent crime in the windy city.
Most notably is a spate of so-called “flash mob” attacks where as many as two dozen young men ambush and savagely beat their victims before robbing them of their valuables. One recent flash mob victim was a 68 year-old man.
The bulk of the flash mob attacks have taken place on Chicago’s near north side and Gold Coast areas to include North Avenue Beach and the Magnificent Mile. The attack locations are within the general vicinity of tourist attractions including Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo, and Millennium Park.
Thus far, the Chicago Police Department has had little luck controlling these flash mobs with only 4 participants having been apprehended. This ability to confound the police stems from the very nature of flash mobbing. Participants either get a text message on their smart phone or receive a “tweet” on a social networking site telling them where to show up and how to behave – with the specified behavior usually involving larceny or assault.
Flash mob participants arrive at the site at a particular time and, after committing the specified crimes, scatter before police can arrive. The sheer number of flash mob participants overpowers the victims – rendering them helpless against the mob.
As most of our readers know, the most effective defense a victim could muster against a flash mob would be for the victim to draw a concealed firearm. As most of our readers also know, Illinois is one of only two states in the nation that deny citizens the right to carry defensive firearms.
The ISRA supported House Bill 148 in the most recent legislative session. Under the provisions of HB148, qualified citizens would be permitted to carry defensive firearms to protect themselves and their families from the type of violent crimes perpetrated by flash mobs. Ironically, it was the Chicago delegation of legislators that arranged for the defeat of HB148 when the bill came up for a vote.
Through their baseless opposition to legislation such as HB148, the Chicago delegation has provided flash mobs and other criminals the upper hand. As we have seen in recent days, Chicago’s criminal element is taking full advantage of having the upper hand. There is no reason to believe that there will be a happy ending to the flash mobs’ reign of terror. Nobody should be surprised that, before the summer is over, a flash mob has engaged in a gang-rape or even a murder of an innocent civilian.
Again, the ISRA is urging readers to reconsider plans to vacation in Chicago this summer. Indications are that vacationing in Chicago will place readers and their families at high risk of being victimized by violent criminals – including flash mobs. This risk is heightened greatly because law-abiding citizens cannot carry firearms to protect themselves from violent criminals.
- Pass this alert along to all your friends and family members.
- Please post this alert to any and all Internet blogs and bulletin boards to which you belong.
- Please contact your state representative and state senator and politely inform them that you are a law-abiding citizen who wants a bill such as HB148 to be passed and signed into law so that you may protect yourself. If you do not know who your representative and senator are, follow this link: https://www.elections.il.gov/DistrictLocator/DistrictOfficialSearchByZip.aspx.
- Please make a generous donation to the ISRA so that we may continue the fight to pass concealed carry and defeat legislation pushed by the gun control movement that would destroy your right to keep and bear arms.
The ISRA is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners Visit: www.isra.org
Great – open carry of alcohol throughout Navy Pier now, flash mobs and gang bangers welcome, legally certified concealed carry permit holders – stay the hell away, we don’t want you – another thank you from the Democratic People’s Republic of Chicago and it’s “happy leader” Rahm Jung Un