Remington Arms Company is proud to announce that the Albuquerque Police Department again chose the Remington Model 870 Police Magnum as their department issued shotguns…
Albuquerque Police Department Continues to Choose Remington Arms

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Remington Arms Company is proud to announce that the Albuquerque Police Department again chose the Remington Model 870 Police Magnum as their department issued shotguns…
One of the changes we have made in order to keep up with growing trends is updating our domain name to…
Wisconsin Legislature should NOT create new legislation that gives the police blanket authority to arrest citizens for violations so simple as “dog at large” “sending an unsolicited fax” or “fireworks violations”…
Leica Optics is extending its current consumer trade-in program for the new full-size Ultravid HD Binocular…
Operation Campus Safety at Virginia Tech, mark your calendars, this is going to be big and you’re going to want to be part of it…
Did you hear the one about the city council that refused to take a stand on an abridgment of your rights and put off the vote until after the next election…
It’s pretty hard to accuse citizens in other states of feeding New York’s illegal gun trade when some of Bloomberg’s own cops appear to be up to their badges in it…
EIGHT current and former police officers from New York City have just been arrested for smuggling M-16 MACHINE GUNS, OVER A DOZEN HANDGUNS, SHOTGUNS, all with serial numbers removed…
The first Titanium Tactical Pocket Pistol born from aerospace technology with 5 Patents Pending and 100% US made. The future of concealed carry firepower is in your hands…
Cam Edwards talks to Scott Bach from the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs about an article entitled “Newark Shooting Victims Have High Chance They’Ve Been Arrested An Average Of 10 Times” …
After being asked repeatedly, GRNC is now prepared to state an opinion on HR 822. Here’s our best shot at a “fair and balanced” depiction of the issue…
I am asking for volunteers in every geographical region of NJ who are willing to distribute promotional posters and fliers…
A spike in crime over the past few weeks while New York City police have been diverted to deal with the on-going Occupy Wall Street protest prove that Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun policies are working…
The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights has added the Taiwan Defensive Firearms Association as a member…
Team USA wrapped up the Pan American shooting events Oct. 22 with finals in Women’s 50m Three Position Rifle, Men’s Skeet and Men’s 25m Rapid Fire Pistol…
The PlotWatcher Pro time-lapse video camera has 20 times more battery life than similar cameras on the market…
These cases are expensive to file and fight, our opponents have nearly unlimited funds and will attempt to bury us in these lawsuits…
It has been an extremely busy week for the NJ2AS. Our new video, “Saga of Firearms Ownership in New Jersey”, has created quite a “buzz”…
Crosman Corporation, long known for innovation and quality in products for the shooting sports, has introduced the new M417 pneumatic air rifle that shoots both pellets and BBs…
John Pepper emailed me this item which discusses how to improve your time to draw you gun in an emergency…
Are there federal or state laws that prohibit children under the age of 16 from picking up or handling firearms at a gun show, with or without direct parent supervision???
Renewal Season is in full swing and the Second Notices were in the mail the week of October 10…
Soldiers from the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit showed the world a glimpse into what next year’s Olympic Games could be like with a dominating performance at the Pan American Games…
The 2011 “Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium” was held on Saturday, October 15, 2011, at the University of San Diego in San Diego, California…
Biden should have resorted to plagiarism, as he’s been accused of before. If he had done so, he could have gotten his crime numbers straight by copying them from the FBI’s Crime in the United States, 2010 report…
These repeat offenders peddle mischaracterizations as the gospel, and dilute the good work being done to protect the Second Amendment by legitimate groups…
Knife Rights chairman Doug Ritter recently did a video, to explain what Knife Law Preemption is all about…
The proposed Boston ordinance “PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF STORES THAT SELL CERTAIN KNIVES” has been presented to the city council…
Knife Rights’ legal team continues to help new clients who have been arrested and continues to get their cases dismissed, the latest just last week…
Staff Sargent Daniel Horner of the US Army’s Marksmanship Unit used the new 300 AAC Blackout cartridge to win 1st overall in the Tactical Optics division of the 2011 USPSA Multigun National…