Happy Thanksgiving from Rev. Kenn Blanchard

Upper Marlboro, MD –-(Ammoland.com)-Â First I want to wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Hope your travel is uneventful, and your family doesn’t get on your last nerve.
Had a weird week after I returned from my vacation but I had enough time to refresh the old brain cells.
Thank you for your responses on my last email to you. I have been recording The Urban Shooter Podcast since Dec 2007 in some form or another and have branched out with Zombie Strike! and the Christian “In The Wilderness Podcast.” The latter kicked my butt because I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted it to be. It’s (ITWM.org) going to come back with a vengeance in a couple of weeks though. I got a plan and I hope you like it.
This weeks’ Black Man With A Gun podcast will be funny, insightful (I hope) and talk about toilets and religion. Mrs. M inspired me to start a new page on kennblanchard.com that allows you to send me good links to help veterans called the Honor Roll.
Zombie Strike #107 will be up and if you are walking around the mall with your family or in your car for a long drive maybe this show will make you smile once or twice.
My favorite site of the week is Ammoland.com, home of good shooting sports news and links to friends I know you will like.
Talk to you soon,
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.-Abraham Lincoln

“Holla” 1-888-675-0202
Kenn Blanchard is a contributer to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter pod cast. In addition Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing profesional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment , inspiration and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice -over, podcasting and professional speaking. Visit: www.kennblanchard.com