Aaron Zelman and the NRA

Here’s a “blast from the past”.

Ted Nugent
Aaron Zelman, Ted Nugent and the NRA
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership

Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- Aaron Zelman was no fan of the NRA. On occasion he was accused of “bashing” “The Gun Lobby”.

It was surprising that almost ten times more communication came our way supporting Aaron’s “zero tolerance” of the National Rifle Association.

There is no question that Aaron’s in-your-face attitude affected the NRA over the years. We’d like to think that it put “The Big Guys” back on a truer course towards freedom. Since Aaron’s passing, the NRA has done the right things with Eric Holder and the despicable “Operation Fast and Furious”, the insidious poison of the U.N. “Small Arms Treaty”, and the drive towards nationwide concealed carry.

[But] their political grading of politicians is still pretty cheesy.

Times have changed. JPFO no longer holds the animosity that Aaron felt so deeply in his bones about the NRA.

However, let’s not let our guard down. Here’s a classic refresher on the difference between JPFO and the NRA. Some ignorant criticism arose from this article from mentally challenged folks who thought it was actually a hit at Ted Nugent.

Aaron Zelman
Aaron Zelman

Ted and Aaron were Brothers in Arms. (Read Ted’s memorial comments about Aaron on the Tribute Page.) Ted never formally answered Aaron’s “open letter”. It was a “between-a-rock-and-a-hard place” situation for Ted. We are sure, however, that Ted got the message delivered upstairs to the big wigs at the NRA.

Were you listening, Wayne?

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO

Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy “gun control”

Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Mission is to destroy “gun control” and to encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for everyone. Those are the twin goals of Wisconsin-based Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). Founded by Jews and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews have suffered when they have been disarmed, JPFO has always welcomed persons of all religious beliefs who share a common goal of opposing and reversing victim disarmament policies while advancing liberty for all.

JPFO is a non-profit tax-exempt educational civil rights organization, not a lobby. JPFO’s products and programs reach out to as many segments of the American people as possible, using bold tactics without compromise on fundamental principles. Visit www.JPFO.org – Copyright JPFO 2011

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"Times have changed. JPFO no longer holds the animosity that Aaron felt so deeply in his bones about NRA".

Hilarious. You claim you aren't NRA bashers but then proceed to bash NRA. What legislation did Jpfo ever pass or defeat since they cannot lobby federally or in the state legislatures. No one in Congress or state legislatures could give a crap about JPFO or Aaron Zellman.