$10,000 Judgment Against City of Madison WI and 5 Police Officers

Wisconsin Carry
Wisconsin Carry

Wisconsin –-(Ammoland.com)- On September 18, 2010 five law abiding Wisconsin residents were peacefully having dinner at a Culver’s Restaurant in Madison, Wisconsin.

These 5 individuals, who were legally openly carrying as provided by Wisconsin law had finished their dinner and were preparing to leave the restaurant when they were unlawfully detained by a mass of Madison police officers.

Despite the absence of reasonable suspicion or probable cause of any crime or violation, Madison police illegally demanded identification from the men under the threat of arrest if they did not comply.

2 individuals who chose not to comply with the illegal action of the Madison police were subsequently arrested and cited for obstruction. 2 days later those unlawfully issued citations were rescinded and all 5 men, even those who complied with the officers illegal demands were issued citations for disorderly conduct.

On May 5th of 2011, the frivolous disorderly conduct charges against all 5 men were dropped.

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting and advancing the right of Wisconsinites to carry in the manner of their choosing, open or concealed, filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Madison and the 5 Madison Police officers who participated in the unlawful detainment and treatment of these 5 individuals.

A copy of that lawsuit is available here: https://www.wisconsincarry.org/pdf/Madison5/lawsuit.pdf

Today a judgment of $10,000 against the City of Madison and 5 Madison police offers was agreed to by Wisconsin Carry, Inc. and our 5 co-plaintiffs. This judgment will be entered into the record of the Federal District Court, Western Wisconsin.

A copy of the judgment agreement can be viewed here: https://tiny.cc/dgt8r

Nik Clark Chairman – Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
P.O. Box 270403
Milwaukee, WI 53227
[email protected]

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation and reclamation of the rights of law-abiding Wisconsin residents to carry in the manner of their choosing. We believe that “open carry” and “concealed carry” are choices to be made by law-abiding citizens based on their situation and preference. Wisconsin Carry, like many gun-rights organizations in Wisconsin, is investing a great deal of resources to get Wisconsin law changed to allow concealed carry this next legislative session by proposing Constitutional Carry. Wisconsin Carry, Inc. will continue to use legal recourse to deter unlawful treatment of law-abiding Wisconsin residents who currently exercise their right to open carry, and soon will exercise their right to concealed carry in Wisconsin. Visit: www.wisconsincarry.org

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Rich, Thanks for being yet another example of how the firearms community does the work of dividing and conquering for our opponents. I am sick to death of hearing disparaging comments about how Open Carry is " showing off " and a million other pejorative adjectives. You may not personally like it, or any number of other things for that matter. But so long as those activities/people are not breaking any laws, you should be supportive of them and oppose heavy handedness by the police. m reminded of Voltaire. " I might not like what you have to say, but… Read more »


Mr Gordo,do us a favor and leave the USA for good!They are LEGALLY abiding the law and these JERKOFF COPS did this to themselves!They knew what the laws are and no respect for the open carry whats so ever!To they should have been FIRED and SUED FOR THEIR STUPID ARROGANT DECISION they made to INFRINGED on their 2nd amendment rights!In fact,where were the socalled ACLU AND THE JUSTICE DEPT not involed with FEDERAL INDICTMENTS on them civil liberities violations?



Hey, don't jump to conclusions about me please or my life experiences. Bottom line, this is being trumpeted as a win for Wisconsin Inc. I want to see the settlement papers, I can't stand one sided stories.

And i can't stand gun toting peacocks that love to strut around with weapons on display which of course attracts undue attention on themselves and ultimately it reflects poorly on those of us who use our heads and don't parade around like peacocks. Just because the law says you can be a peacock doesn't mean it makes sense to act like one.


Apparently Rich has never had a cop start out being an asshole & go down hill from there. Unfortunately there are police that have the Us vs Them mentality. Civilians ARE the enemy. Until you have been through that situation you can't or won't believe it. Most cops are decent people. Some are not. The bad ones need to be fired but are protected by the Brotherhood of the badge. I hope it never happens to you but if it does I hope you get away without being arrested.


Why don't you print the settlement papers instead of the one sided papers that your organization filed with the courts? I don't think I'm the only one that likes to see only one side of the argument to make a decision on whether or not this was a good thing. For one, most town governments weigh the decision whether or not to fight lawsuits on the fact that paying their attorney fees and/or employees for testimony is worth the cost to their taxpayers. Please put up the settlement papers that is signed by both parties and the judge. I am… Read more »