Four Concealed Carry Books That May Save Your Life

Concealed Carry
Concealed Carry
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( Since the horrific Sandy School shooting and the hijacking of this tragic event by Obama and Washington gun grabbers to use it as a starting point for more restrictions on common firearms and law abiding gun owners, there has been a flood of applications for Concealed carry permits.

State across the USA have been overwhelmed with new concealed carry permit requests. In fact in December of 2012, Florida’s Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam called a news conference to announce the state was about to issue its one millionth active concealed weapons permit.

That is a lot of folks carrying concealed and the great part is having a CCW or CPL license is also like having a “Good Guy License” as concealed carry permit holders are statistically the most law abiding citizen in the USA.

The 7 Things You Must Know Before You Draw Your Gun: What You Must Know Before You Carry Concealed
The 7 Things You Must Know Before You Draw Your Gun

Here are four books that every responsible concealed carry holder should own and have read. They may save your life and keep you straight in line with the law.

“The 7 Things You Must Know Before You Draw Your Gun: What You Must Know Before You Carry Concealed” by U.S. Concealed Carry Association.

In this report you will discover exactly what you must know before you leave the house with your gun.

You’ll also learn about asking the right question: “When do I have to shoot?” The concept of ‘Don’t shoot – Training for the draw is just as effective.’ Force on force notebook:

Revisiting the 21 foot rule in regards to carrying concealed. A special section on 10 seconds to fight.

Download your Free Copy of this report. This report is published by The United States Concealed Carry Association, the biggest community of responsibly-armed Americans.

Learn more at

Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry By Massad Ayoob
Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry By Massad Ayoob

Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry By Massad Ayoob: Understand the Hottest Issues Surrounding Concealed Carry!

Written by Massad Ayoob, one of the pre-eminent fighting handgun trainers in the world, Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry 2nd Edition builds upon the best-selling 1st edition by addressing some of the hottest issues surrounding concealed carry today.

Understand Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws. Review case studies that reveal lessons learned.

Commentary from Ayoob draws on his experience as an expert witness for courts in weapons and shooting cases.

Find out about the latest in holsters and gear, including new personal defense ammunition and lights.

As a handgun owner, you owe it to yourself to stay informed and educated about changes in concealed carry laws and personal defense hardware. Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry 2nd Edition helps you do exactly that.

After You Shoot: Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what?
After You Shoot: Your gun’s hot. The perp’s not. Now what?

After You Shoot: Your gun’s hot. The perp’s not. Now what? By Alan Korwin

Dial 911 and fry. You re gasping for air. You just stopped a would-be murderer cold with your sidearm four rounds to the chest. Do you have the right to remain silent?

Then how do you dial 911 and talk to a police voice recorder? How do you make that call and not say anything? According to criminal-defense attorneys, half of all convictions for self-defense incidents rely on frantic traumatized 911 tapes.

As a bonus, the media will air your voice nationwide for weeks. That can t be right. Do you have the right to have an attorney prior to and during any questioning? What about your precious Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination? How do you make a 911 call and protect your rights? You cannot.

When you call 911 after saving your life with gunfire, you are giving up the crucial life-saving rights you think you have. And that s wrong. The dangerous snare of 911 recordings is built into the American self-defense system and no one has looked at it hard until now. After You Shoot lights up this overlooked problem and provides common-sense, workable solutions to these horrors vicious traps that threaten every gun owner and innocent crime victim in America.

More than 70 experts contributed to the ideas presented here, the “common wisdom” that floats around is examined, and five specific solutions to the problem are provided, including the controversial Adnarim statement. Don’t help convict yourself. Read After You Shoot.

Concealed Carry: How to Legally Carry a Concealed Weapon & Concealed Carry Fundamentals By John Pershing
Concealed Carry: How to Legally Carry a Concealed Weapon

Concealed Carry: How to Legally Carry a Concealed Weapon & Concealed Carry Fundamentals By John Pershing

The road to being able to legally carry a concealed weapon is fraught with perils. One mistake and you could seriously jeopardize your chances of ever getting a concealed carry permit.

The laws concealed carry are a tangled web of state regulations that are nearly impossible to navigate.

Concealed Carry vol. 2: How to Legally Carry a Concealed Weapon gives you the information you need in order to legally obtain a permit to carry in your state.

It also covers federal law and legal issues that can arise from concealed carry.

This book is a must-read for anyone looking to carry a concealed weapon.

All four books are must have guides that should be read by new or old concealed carry permit holders. Each provides valuable insights into navigating the labarynth of CCW laws.

Stay armed, stay safe and stand up for the Second Amendment!

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Tom Moriarty

i am looking forward to reading the books.

Darlene muncie

So how do I get all 4 books or download them

John Skorat

I'm sure all of these books have useful info. in them, but if it's a split second decision on my life, I don't want, nor do I have time to process thousands of pieces of info.. I'd shoot first then if no ones around police my brass if I'm not carrying one of my wheel guns and go home. Then I'll contact an attorney and take it from there. As I'm sure you are aware," Dead men tell no tales".


I have read the 2nd amendment and went WAY overboard in getting a carry permit . I don't need anything else .

Concealed Carry Pro

Thanks for the shout out! We are honored to be in such smart company regarding concealed carry.