Please Watch for Upcoming Alerts and Prepare To Take Focused Action as Some of These Bills Move in the Coming Weeks..

Trenton, NJ –-( Just a few short weeks ago, we issued an alert indicating that 18 new pieces of anti-gun legislation had been introduced in Trenton since January 1 2013.
That number quickly grew to 23, then 30, and as of today has reached an unprecedented 43, with no sign that the bill introductions are stopping (see current list of bill introductions below).
It’s a legislative feeding frenzy, as many of our elected officials are falling all over themselves to destroy what’s left of the Second Amendment in the Garden State, instead of focusing on meaningful solutions to keep our schools safe and keep the mentally ill from accessing firearms.
These are the most extreme legislative proposals in state history – gun and ammunition bans, psychological examinations and in-home inspections of every gun owner, forced disclosure of household members, 5-round magazine limits that destroy self-defense, gun seizures, forced buybacks, punitive taxes and fees, and unaccountable health professionals dictating whether you can exercise your Constitutional rights.
These proposals all have two things in common: they do nothing to prevent another tragedy, and everything to interfere with the exercise of fundamental rights by law-abiding citizens, who are being wrongly blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen.
In the coming weeks, some of this legislation is sure to start moving through the legislative process. When it does, we will call on you to act like never before – to call and write legislators unceasingly, to attend committee hearings, to do whatever it takes to defend freedom. ANJRPC is sparing no effort or resource in this fight, and is preparing for battle on multiple fronts.
ACTION: In the meanwhile, if you haven’t yet acted to be the voice of freedom in the media as we requested in our last alert, we encourage you to email a letter to the editor today to 1 or 2 of the 130 publications we’ve identified for you.
And if you’re so inclined, please consider making a donation to ANJRPC today.
(hyperlinks omitted where bill text is currently unavailable)
Compiled by ANJRPC
A3645– Requires ammunition sales and transfers be conducted as face‑to‑face transactions.
A3646– Establishes a regulatory system to govern the sale and transfer of ammunition.
A3653– Criminalizes purchasing or owning weapon if person has previous conviction of unlawful possession of weapon.
A3659– Revises definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 caliber or greater.
A3664– Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
A3666– Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.
A3667– Requires mental health screening by licensed professional to purchase a firearm..
A3668– Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
A3676– Requires psychological evaluation and in‑home inspection as prerequisite to purchase firearm.
A3687– Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
A3688– Requires mental health evaluation and list of household members with mental illness to purchase firearm.
A3689– Requires security guards who carry weapons to wear certain uniform, including identification card.
A3690– Declares violence a public health crisis, recommends expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes “Study Commission on Violence.”
A3704– Requires handgun ammunition to be encoded with serial number.
A3707– Establishes a ballistics identifier program for certain firearms.
A3717– Requires submission of certain mental health records to National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
A3727– Imposes additional five percent tax on sale of firearms and ammunition to fund safety infrastructure improvements in public buildings.
A3748 – Requires background check for private gun sales.
A3750 – Establishes regulatory and reporting program for all ammunition sales.
A3752 – Requires firearms to be unloaded and securely locked or stored within home.
A3753 – Increases references required for application for handgun permit and firearms identification card from two to five.
A3754 – Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
A3772 – Requires that firearms purchaser identification cards display picture; mandates that firearms purchaser identification cards be renewed every five years.
A3773 – Increases firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase a handgun fee.
ACR176 – Memorializes Congress and the President of the United States to enact legislation enforcing stricter firearms control measures.
AR143 – Expresses support for Attorney General’s gun buyback program.
AR133– Expresses support for creation of task force on gun control led by Vice President Biden.
S2430– Declares violence a public health crisis, recommends expansion of mental health programs, recommends federal adoption of gun control measures, and establishes “Study Commission on Violence.”
S2456– Criminalizes purchase or possession of firearms ammunition by persons convicted of certain crimes.
S2464– Regulates sale and transfer of rifle and shotgun ammunition.
S2465– Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.
S2467– Prohibits State administered pension fund investment in manufacturers of firearms prohibited in New Jersey.
S2471– Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
S2474– Establishes a regulatory system to govern the sale and transfer of ammunition.
S2475– Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
S2476– Requires ammunition sales and transfers be conducted as face‑to‑face transactions.
S2485– Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
S2497– Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
S2523 – Establishes a regulatory program for rifle and shotgun ammunition sales.
S2525 – Establishes regulatory and reporting program for all ammunition sales.
SCR136– Urges President and Congress of United States to enact assault weapons ban including prohibition against large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
SR96 -Urges President and Congress to reauthorize assault weapons ban.
SR92 -Urges Congress to strengthen gun controlÂ
About Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs:The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc. is the official NRA State Association in New Jersey. Our mission is to implement all of the programs and activities at the state level that the NRA does at the national level. This mission includes the following: To support and defend the constitutional rights of the people to keep and bear arms. To take immediate action against any legislation at the local, state and federal level that would infringe upon these rights. Visit:
None of these -NONE- will stop a criminal from obtaining a weapon OR ammunition. NONE.
Pass them all, and then watch the public reaction when they realize what all this nonsense will cost.
And there are still some that think a governor from that state AND state of mind wold be someone we want in the White House in 2016 , come on people , try on some common sense .
Can I just say one thing… Dumbasses