Is Protecting Our Children In School Worth $25?

Is Protecting Our Children In School Worth $25?
Is Protecting Our Children In School Worth $25?
Buckeye Firearms Foundation
Buckeye Firearms Foundation

Ohio –-( Dear Fredy, I was speechless.

Recently, while reviewing donations, I found myself marveling at the generosity of our many Ohio supporters.

From every part of the state, people of all ages were showing their overwhelming support for our Armed Teacher Training Program.

Checks for $100, checks for $500, and one massive donation for $15,000 from the Ohio Gun Collector’s Association (OGCA).

I was proud that our years of work had generated this level of trust and devotion from gun owners across Ohio.

That’s when I saw it.
It was a plain white piece of paper, a printout from an online donation made just days before.

It totaled $25.00.

And it was sent from a citizen of Kent in the United Kingdom.

I sat back in my chair and just stared at that piece of paper. $25.00. You may not think that sounds like much, but I think it’s one of the most amazing donations we’ve ever received.

There are about 11 million citizens in the state of Ohio. And well over 4 million of them own at least one gun. But how many of them have given one minute or one dollar to protect their right to keep and use that firearm?

How many have even spent a second thinking about the work and sacrifice that has gone into preventing fear-obsessed, liberty-hating ideologues from gutting the Constitution and stripping you of your basic human right of self-defense?

England is a great country. It gave us our language and passed on to us a body of common law and tradition. It is a country that once ruled the oceans and commanded one of the most powerful Empires the world has ever seen.

But over the years, England has given in to fear and sought refuge in the false hope of a beneficent central government that has stripped its citizens of privacy and personal rights. Not only do they ban guns, they seek to ban pointed knives and glass beer mugs for fear that someone, somewhere might be hurt. Like an over-protective mother, this once-mighty nation is killing its children with kindness.

And yet here was one man holding firm to the historical greatness of his nation and standing alone to support the protection of almost two million children of families in Ohio he doesn’t even know.

He logged onto our website, recognized the righteousness of our cause, and made his donation.

If your rights are worth $25.00 to a man in England, how much are they worth to YOU? $1,000? $500? $250? $100? $50?

If you need to know more about Buckeye Firearms Foundation’s Armed Teacher Training Program, click here and read more.

If you’re humbled and inspired by this Brit and his donation, then you know what to do.

Mail your check to:
Buckeye Firearms Foundation
15 West Winter Street
Delaware, Ohio 43015

Or visit our page to donate securely online now.:

Buckeye Firearms Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible.

Yours for Freedom,
Jim Irvine

P.S. If you have already donated to help us with our goal of training willing teachers, forward this story to your friends and family. We still have a ways to go to meet our goal.

Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots political action committee dedicated to defending and advancing the right of Ohio citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities. Visit:

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